ECMS - Imaging User Account Creation

This document addresses manual and automated user account creation in the Imaging system.
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Imaging User Account Creation KB

User accounts in the Imaging system are created manually or by an engineered automated process.

Manual Imaging User Account Creation

Manual user account creation is a process whereby an Imaging Department Lead makes a user account request via the JIRA web application which is then vetted and fulfilled by the DoIT SecAuth team. More information on how an Imaging Department Lead can make user requests is located in the knowledgebase at

Automated Imaging User Account Creation

Automated user account creation is a process whereby an existing University of Wisconsin Madison School, Department or Division has constructed a feed of user information from their ERP (e.g., SIS, HRS, SFS, WISDM, etc) to the Imaging system in conjunction with their ERP developers, the DoIT SecAuth team and the Imaging team.

There are currently three automated Imaging account creation processes, listed below by the implementing area and the ERP:

  • APIR / SIS
  • AP / WISDM
  • DEM / WISH

The general steps of each of these automated Imaging account creation processes are:

A file containing user information for the accounts to be created is generated by the ERP. The ERP emails the file to a DoIT SecAuth team email address. The DoIT SecAuth team vettes the contents of the document and moves the file into a specific Box location. On file presence in Box the the Workload Automation Service moves the file from Box to a CIFS share and initiates a script (iScript) on the Imaging system to process accounts into the Imaging system. When the script has run, it sends a receipt email with a log of the transaction to a DoIT SecAuth team email address.


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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS