Academic Staff

  1. Academic Staff are respected professionals who hold positions in virtually every unit on campus. These positions are either unique to higher education and/or provide direct support for academic programming and/or develop and implement policies at UW-Madison. The academic staff contribute daily to the quality and reputation of a University recognized and respected around the world. Learn more

Accounting and Financial Team

  1. The Accounting Team offers support with non-credit custom course contracts, credit courses accounting administration, research and effort administration, hotel contracts, academic support service agreements, accounts receivable, travel expense reports, credit card payment authorizations, and supplies orders.

Emeritus Staff

  1. Emeritus Staff The status of Emeritus/Emerita is an honorary title conferred upon individuals who have had permanent employment at UW-Madison, are 55 years of age or older, and have completed a minimum of ten years of distinguished service. 

EPD Academic Staff Committee

  1. EPD Academic Staff Committee This committee assists department academic staff with information about academic staff governance and promotions. They are also connected with the college-wide CASI: Committee on Academic Staff Issues which advises the College of Engineering dean on academic staff policy and procedure formulation, review and development, in compliance with campus policies and procedures.

Industrial Refrigeration Center (IRC)

  • The Industrial Refrigeration Consortium (IRC) is a collaborative effort between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and industry. They work to improve the safety, efficiency, and productivity of industrial refrigeration systems and technologies, realizing this goal by conducting applied research, delivering knowledge transfer, and providing technical assistance. Although efforts are focused on industrial refrigeration systems that utilize anhydrous ammonia, they also work with systems that use other refrigerants.

    The IRC offers a unique combination of complementary resources that include academic qualifications, technical expertise, and practical experience. They provide objective information that is not biased by an affiliation with any particular organization.


  1. A Teleconference is a conference with participants in different locations linked by telecommunications devices.

Transportation Information Center (TIC)

  1. The Transportation Information Center (TIC) provides state and local municipalities with the resources and training required to manage their road systems. Training — from government and industry experts, engineering consultants, contractors, and highway and enforcement agency representatives — includes one-day workshops in several different locations around the state. Resources include videos, and online and printed manuals, bulletins, and Crossroads articles.

    The TIC is part of the
    National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA), as Wisconsin's LTAP center.

University Staff

  1. University Staff hold positions in virtually every unit on campus. The University Staff positions are quite varied and duties include, but are not limited to, administrative support, information technology, accounting, engineering, in addition to custodial, food service, and craftsworkers and contribute daily to the quality and reputation of a University recognized and respected around the world. 

W-9 Form

  1. Form W-9 is a commonly used IRS form titled Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. True to its name, individuals and entities use the form to provide their taxpayer identification number to entities that will pay them income during the tax year. Companies use your W-9 for accounting purposes but doesn't send the form to the IRS. The information is used to prepare 1099-MISC forms at the end of the year.

Web Conference

  1. A Web Conference is a form of real-time communication in which multiple computer users, all connected via the Internet, see the same screen at the same time in their Web browsers. Some Web conferencing systems include features such as text chat, VoIP (voice over IP), whiteboard, and full-motion video. Can also be referred to as a Webinar.