Accounting and Financial Team

  1. The Accounting Team offers support with non-credit custom course contracts, credit courses accounting administration, research and effort administration, hotel contracts, academic support service agreements, accounts receivable, travel expense reports, credit card payment authorizations, and supplies orders.


  1. Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.  Can also be called Hybrid Learning.

Clone ID

  1. A Clone ID is an ET Number assigned to the basic curriculum of a course. It is inclusive of Instances that share the same Curriculum ID. See also: Curriculum ID [KB Curriculum ID]

Course Planning Group (CPG)

  • The Course Planning Group (CPG) is a cross functional team within Education Support Services (ESS) which offers support in professional development course instruction and logistical coordination.

Curriculum ID

  1. Curriculum ID, as seen in CSIS, is using the ET Clone ID number that is assigned to the basic curriculum of the course. It is inclusive of Programs that share the same curriculum. See also: Clone ID [KB Clone ID]

Dunning Letter

  1. A dunning letter is a notification sent to a customer, stating that the customer is overdue in paying an account receivable to the sender.

Industrial Refrigeration Center (IRC)

  • The Industrial Refrigeration Consortium (IRC) is a collaborative effort between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and industry. They work to improve the safety, efficiency, and productivity of industrial refrigeration systems and technologies, realizing this goal by conducting applied research, delivering knowledge transfer, and providing technical assistance. Although efforts are focused on industrial refrigeration systems that utilize anhydrous ammonia, they also work with systems that use other refrigerants.

    The IRC offers a unique combination of complementary resources that include academic qualifications, technical expertise, and practical experience. They provide objective information that is not biased by an affiliation with any particular organization.

LDT and Marketing Production Team

  1. The LDT and Marketing Production Team Education Support Services team that is responsible for the creation, processing, and delivery of instructional and promotional assets for InterPro efforts.

Leadership Team

  1. The Leadership Team provides necessary support to enable the efficient execution of InterPro's overall operation.  The Leadership Team functions to ensure strong lines of communication between each sub-unit, encouraging alignment to InterPro's mission, pursuit of its vision, and overall effectiveness of execution.

Learning Design and Technologies (LDT)

  1. The Learning Design and Technologies (LDT) team provides effective support, consultation, strategic planning, and leadership in all current and emerging areas of teaching, learning, and technologies. Their work supports faculty, staff and students, and includes all phases of instructional design, development, and evaluation.

    They are dedicated to providing high quality learning experiences; empowering stakeholders with effective best practices, technologies, support and consultation; building constructive partnerships with UW-Madison campus units; and sustaining a strong record of scholarly activity through research and conferences in order to stay informed of emerging areas that drive educational innovation.

Learning Environment

  1. learning environment is a combination of social and physical qualities that create the classroom experience. It includes classroom management procedures, as well as the way the space is organized, furnished and maintained.


  1. learning management system (LMS) is a software application or Web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance.

Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)

  1. The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) provides state and local municipalities with the resources and training required to manage their road systems. Training — from government and industry experts, engineering consultants, contractors, and highway and enforcement agency representatives — includes one-day workshops in several different locations around the state. Resources include videos, and online and printed manuals, bulletins, and Crossroads articles.

    The UW-LTAP is part of the
    National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA), as Wisconsin's LTAP center.

Technical Support

  1. The Technical Support Team is responsible for departmental desktop, laptop, and mobile device support. You can also contact them for help with local department systems, Box, Teams, USI, and Microsoft Office.


  1. A Teleconference is a conference with participants in different locations linked by telecommunications devices.