Canvas - File Storage and Quotas in Canvas [UW-Madison]

The Files tool in Canvas provides online storage and file sharing for individuals, courses, and groups. In course and group spaces, files uploaded as attachments or assignment submissions are placed in the personal file spaces of the individuals who uploaded them. Individuals also may upload files directly to their personal file spaces.
Storage of files in Canvas is intended only for purposes directly related to course work. For general-purpose storage needs, please consider Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive. For web hosting, please use either a departmental web server if available, or consider requesting a free bronze level account with DoIT web hosting.

Default Storage Quotas

The Canvas course storage quota currently sits at the levels indicated below:

Canvas Storage Quotas
Courses Groups Individuals
2 GB (2048MB) 512 MB 512 MB

To determine how much of your course's storage quota is currently in use, open the Files tool, and in the lower left, look for the Storage Used information. More information is available in Instructure's Guide How do I view course files as an instructor? Canvas does have a limit on file size - files should be kept to 500 MB or less.

Exceptions to Quotas

Not all files in Canvas count against your course's storage quota:

  • Copied files: When you copy a file in Canvas, or upload a copy of an existing Canvas file, Canvas stores only one instance of that file. Only the original file counts against your course's storage quota; copies don't count affect your course's quota. For example, if you copy several files from one course to a new course, the storage quota for the new course will not be affected, regardless of how many files you copied.
  • Webcam recordings created in Canvas: Webcam recordings and media comments created directly in Canvas are stored on a separate media server and do not count toward your course's storage quota.
  • Graded assignment submissions: Files uploaded for a graded assignment are uploaded to user files but don't count against the user's quota; see Where are my user Files as a student?

Canvas Status Code 400

If you receive a Status Code 400 error message when uploading files to Canvas, your course storage quota is likely full. You can solve this by moving some files outside of Canvas (see Canvas - Storing Data Outside of Canvas [UW-Madison]), or requesting an increased quota (see next section).

Requesting an Increased Quota

Instructors who are approaching their course quota are encouraged to consider hosting files and media in other UW-Madison tools. For example, we recommend hosting video and audio files in Kaltura MediaSpace.

Instructors may also request an increase to their course quota by contacting the DoIT Help Desk. Please include any relevant information regarding why you need the increased quota.

canvas quota quotas course user group file storage user individual files limit size 400 status code error 
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DoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison