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Microsoft 365 - Types of administration over accounts
Find out the differences between actions/privileges so that you can better manage or work with other accounts within Office 365.
Linked accounts
Linking is the recommended way to provide a NetID account with the ability to interact with a Service Account. Specifically, linking a Service Account to a NetID account provides:
- Full Mailbox Permissions, which allows the NetID account to interact with account data (email, calendar, etc).
- Send As Permissions, which allows the NetID account to send messages using the Service Account email address.
- As a linked NetID, within Wisc Account Administration site, you can:
- View other linked accounts and authorized admins
- View account profile
- Manage send-as addresses
- View if the account is visible in Google Apps
- Manage account visibility within Global Address List
- Manage primary address
- Manage permissions
- Manage forwarding
- View inbox rules and junk filters
Authorized Administrator over a Service Account
Assigning a NetID as an Authorized Administrator over a service account grants that NetID with Domain Administrator privileges over the service account. This does not grant you full mailbox or send as permissions. This includes the ability to:
- Delete the account
- Add/remove Authorized Administrators
- Link/unlink NetIDs
- Add/remove full mailbox/send as/send on behalf permissions
- Change primary address
- Delete alternate addresses
- Show/Hide account from GAL
- Enable/Disable Web Login
- Reset password
- Add/remove forwarding address
- View inbox rules, junk mail settings, and other account information
Authorized Administrator over a user NetID Account
To help administrators/IT staff manage user NetID accounts within the Wisc Account Administration site, administrators/IT staff can request access over a NetID account. If granted, the administrators/IT staff with this permission will have access in the Wisc Account Administration site to:
- Administrators
- Modification History
- Create Google Group
- Assign Address
- Status
- Email Addresses
- Permissions
- Forwarding
- Consolidated Account Information
Administrative Group over user NetID account(s)
Sometimes, a group of administrators/IT staff will need to have administrative access over NetID account(s). Instead of requesting this access on an individual level (as was described in the above section), a Manifest group can be created and populated with those administrators/IT staff, and that group can request access over the NetID account(s). If granted, the group of administrators/IT staff with this permission will have access in the Wisc Account Administration site to:
- Administrators
- Modification History
- Create Google Group
- Assign Address
- Status
- Email Addresses
- Permissions
- Forwarding
- Consolidated Account Information
Domain Administrator
Office 365 domain administrators are UW NetID accounts which have administrative access to add, delete, and modify accounts in an Office 365 domain (e.g.