Support News

Enhanced Email Security project: New process to report suspicious email

Posted: 2023-04-24 01:55:36   Expiration: 2023-09-01 11:55:36

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2023-04-24 01:55:36. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Part of the Enhanced Email Security project and Proofpoint implementation includes changes to how most users will report suspicious mail, including spam messages and phishing attempts.

What is changing?

Under Sophos PureMessage for UNIX, our current email security vendor, users are directed to report spam and other suspicious mail through a custom developed UW-Madison Report Spam/Phish Outlook Add-in. With the switch to Proofpoint, this add-in will no longer be used.

When will this change occur?

Beginning May 16, 2023, users should utilize the new add-in to report suspicious mail. Those who use the Outlook web client will need to adjust their settings to see the new add-in. The location of the button will vary depending on what operating system and client you use. It may appear in the top ribbon/toolbar, or you may need to click the 3 dots to expand a drop-down menu and to see the new add-in.

Important: On May 16, 2023, the UW-Madison Report Spam/Phish Outlook Add-in will be disabled and inaccessible.

How will I report a message as spam using the new process?

When the new 'Report Suspicious' process has been enabled, use the steps outlined within Microsoft 365 - Report Suspicious message.

Will there be other changes implemented during the switch to Proofpoint?

Yes. In addition to how messages will be submitted as spam/phishing, the following changes will be implemented:

Microsoft 365 - What are the limitations for message size, recipient number, and mailbox storage?
Email Security - Subject Tagging
Email Security - Executable Attachments
Email Security - Email Header Deprecation


If you have questions with the changeover to the new system or are experiences issues, please contact DoIT Help Desk.

-- Microsoft 365 Service and Support Team