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Microsoft 365 - Show or Hide Service Account within Global Address List

By default, all service accounts are hidden from the Microsoft 365 Global Address List (GAL). This document explains how to manage the visibility of a service account only. For information on how to manage your NetID account search status, review the following docs: Students | Faculty/Staff.


Make account visible in GAL

Important: Only domain admins and authorized admins are able to make this change. If you are only linked to the account, you will not be able to make this change.

  1. Log in to the Wisc Account Administration site with your NetID credentials.

  2. Select the service account you want to manage. If you do not see the account you want to manage or are placed into your NetID account, review the following document: Wisc Account Administration site - Logging in.

  3. Expand the Office 365 menu:

    status menu

  4. Click Status.
  5. On the "Status" menu, you will see you current state in the GAL:

    GAL hidden

  6. Click Show from GAL button.

It may take up to 15 minutes for your account to be searchable from the GAL. It may take up to 24 hours for it to appear within Outlook desktop clients.

Make account hidden in GAL

Important: Only domain admins and authorized admins are able to make this change. If you are only linked to the account, you will not be able to make this change.

  1. Log in to the Wisc Account Administration site with your NetID credentials.

  2. Select the account you want to manage. . If you do not see the account you want to manage or are placed into your NetID account, review the following document: Wisc Account Administration site - Logging in.

  3. Expand the Office 365 menu:

    status menu

  4. Click Status.
  5. On the "Status" menu, you will see you current state in the GAL:

    GAL searchable

  6. Click Hide from GAL button.

It may take up to 15 minutes for your account to be unsearchable from the GAL. It may take up to 24 hours for it to be hidden from within Outlook desktop clients.

Remember: Even when the account is unsearchable, it can still receive emails and event invitations.

microsoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 hide hidden searchable gal ferpa security privacy flags service accounts find cannot visible show hide global address list gal visibility global address list 
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