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NetIDs for Research Collaborators

This document outlines the process to get NetIDs for research collaborators.

Before inviting users to create a NetID, consider if the person belongs to a population that is already NetID eligible and could be added via an existing business process. If the person falls outside of other existing populations, they can be invited to create a NetID via a Manifest group, as outlined in the next step

Process Overview

Manifest can be used to invite users to create their identities at UW-Madison if they are not already entered through other means (student information system, HR system, etc) and request access to services for a Manifest group.

  • Step 1: Enable your Manifest group to invite users to create a NetID

  • Step 2: Request the services that you, as the group administrators, would like the group members to have access to

  • Step 3: Give research collaborators access to your School/College/Division’s (S/C/D) websites, services, and research resources.

    • If you have services that are scoped in access to a particular Manifest group (like an intranet only available to people in your department), you can add the NetID-enabled Manifest group as a member of the group you’re using to provision access - and the users within the NetID group will get that access as well.

    • If you have services/resources that require MFA & VPN to access for research collaborators, follow the Duo MFA Access Steps above to make your Manifest group MFA/VPN enabled.

  • Step 4: Invite users who do not have a NetID to create one using the directions under Sending NetID Invitations

    • This allows you to create NetIDs for research collaborators external to the organization.

  • Step 5: Add Individual users with NetIDs to your group 

    • As long as a user remains within this group, neither their NetID nor access to other services provisioned for this group will expire. This is useful for some specific use cases such as ensuring a Graduate student retains their Manifest managed access to research resources and services (Duo, VPN, etc) to continue research after graduation.

  • Step 6: Remove members from your NetID eligible group when they are no longer related to this group because it ensures services are only provisioned to eligible accounts.

netids netid create manifest research collaborators 
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Cora B. in Identity and Access Management
Identity and Access Management