ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Workflow

Imaging - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Workflow
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Perceptive Content Fundamentals


Content Workflow lets you route a document through a business process from start to finish with a customizable set of options. You can add a document to workflow, route it, respond to alarms and messages about the status of your items, and process it by, for example, viewing or annotating it. With almost any task in workflow, you have more than one way to complete it. Choose the path that best works for you. Content creates a workflow item for every document sent to the workflow environment. The item points to a document and routes around the workflow environment on behalf of that document.

Searching for Workflow Items

To search for documents and folders in Content workflow, you simply click the Workflow button on the Content toolbar. This opens the first workflow queue view you can access. A view appears for each workflow process and queue for which you have the necessary privileges.

When searching for workflow items, you can search at the workflow process level or the workflow queue level using the Quick Search or Search tab. By default, the workflow queues you can access appear in the Views pane as automatic views and their associated workflow processes appear as manual run views. When you select a queue view, a items in the queue automatically appear in the search grid. When you select a process view and execute the search, all items in the workflow process automatically appear in the search grid. When you use the Quick Search feature, you can search for a workflow item using any of the following properties:

Quick Search Against Workflow Queue Items
Workflow Queue Level Search

Workflow item status
Workflow Workflow item type

Workflow item user
Document Any document key

Folder name
Folder Folder status

Folder type
Custom property Any custom property value

Using the Advanced Search feature, you can search for workflow items based on a composite property, a custom property, a date, a document key, a physical property, a folder property, or a workflow item property. You can save your search as a private filter. After you save the search, you can access the filter in the Views pane in Perceptive Content Explorer.

Imaging Imaging System Experience Perceptive Content perceptive content workflow ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS