Welcome to the InfoLabs KB!

Quick Links

Equipment Available for Checkout  How To Reserve Equipment 
Webcheckout Patron Portal  Poster Printing Information and FAQ 
InfoLabs Locations  Black & White/Color Printing Information 
How To Renew a Checkout  Feedback Form

What services do InfoLabs provide?

Please note while all services listed here are available at each of these locations, they may not be directly tied to the InfoLabs program in all locations

All Locations

Select Locations

  • Technology Circulation
    • Please see this page for more details on what is currently available: https://www.library.wisc.edu/equipment/
    • Business Library
    • Social Work Library
    • College Library
    • Ebling Library
    • Memorial Library
    • MERIT Library
    • Steenbock Library
  • Poster Printing
    • College Library
    • Steenbock Library
    • MERIT Library
  • Color Printing
    • College Library
    • Memorial Library
    • MERIT Library
    • Social Work Library
    • Steenbock Library
    • Chadbourne Hall
    • Dejope Hall
    • Kronshage Hall
    • Ogg Hall
    • Sellery Hall
    • Witte Hall


For more information, please see https://it.wisc.edu/about/infolab-locations/



Equipment Checkout Available

InfoLab Computer Lab

Business Library 975 University Ave Yes (laptops only) No
College Library 600 N. Park St Yes Yes
HSLC Ebling Library 750 Highland Ave Yes Yes
LSS (Van Hise Hall) 1220 Linden Dr No Yes
Media Center at Barnard Hall 970 University Ave No Yes
Media Center at Chadbourne Hall 420 N Park St No Yes
Media Center at Dejope Hall 640 Elm Dr No Yes
Media Center at Jorns Hall 650 Babcock Drive No Yes
Media Center at Kronshage Hall 1650 Kronshage Dr No Yes
Media Center at Merit Hall 919 W Dayton St No Yes
Media Center at Ogg Hall 835 W. Dayton St No Yes
Media Center at Phillips Hall 1950 Willow Dr No Yes
Media Center at Sellery Hall 821 W. Johnson St No Yes
Media Center at Smith Hall 35 N Park St No Yes
Media Center at Tripp GateHouse 1515 Tripp Circle No Yes
Media Center at Waters Hall 1200 Observatory Dr No Yes
Media Center at Witte Hall 615 W. Johnson St No Yes
Memorial Library 728 State St Yes Yes
MERIT Library 225 N Mills St. Yes No
Social Work Library 1350 University Ave Yes (laptops only) No
Steenbock Library 550 Babcock Dr Yes Yes
Student Activity Center 333 East Campus Mall No Yes
Union South 1308 W Dayton St No


What are the InfoLabs?

The UW–‍Madison InfoLabs offer several general access computer labs and equipment loaning locations conveniently located across campus. The InfoLab computer lab locations offer Internet access and word processing, design, spreadsheet, statistical and course-specific software as well as color printers, scanners and digital editing resources.

The InfoLabs program began as a partnership between campus IT (DoIT) and the UW-Madison Libraries. The two departments saw the on-campus need for computer labs — the libraries had space, and the inclusion of technology resources fit into its mission to curate, preserve, and share knowledge, while DoIT had the technological expertise and workflows for supporting and deploying computers. Since its inception, the InfoLabs program has expanded and changed to fit the needs of patrons, including the addition of locations at student housing, partnering with Wisconsin Collaboratory for Enhanced Learning (WisCEL) to create technology-enhanced teaching and learning spaces and technology circulation programs.


The UW–‍Madison InfoLabs program supplements the student educational experience by providing out of the classroom technology-enhanced services and solutions.


Who can I ask for help?

Any and all questions regarding technology circulation, including policy, fines, or support requests can be directed to technologycirculation@library.wisc.edu. 

Other Questions can be directed to the individual locations.

Phone Number
Business Library 608-262-5935 askbusiness@library.wisc.edu
College Library 608-263-9889 college-t@library.wisc.edu
HSLC Ebling Library 608-262-2020 askebling@hsl.wisc.edu
LSS (Van Hise Hall) 608-262-1678 infolab@wisc.edu
Media Center at Barnard Hall 608-262-2688 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Chadbourne Hall 608-262-2688 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Dejope Hall 608-890-4895 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Jorns Hall 608-262-2226 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Kronshage Hall 608-262-2226 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Merit Hall 608-262-6899 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Ogg Hall 608-262-6899 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Phillips Hall 608-262-5218 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Sellery Hall 608-262-1076 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Smith Hall 608-890-1250 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Tripp GateHouse 608-262-5218 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Waters Hall 608-262-1800 info@housing.wisc.edu
Media Center at Witte Hall 608-262-7850 info@housing.wisc.edu
Memorial Library 608-262-5326 college-t@library.wisc.edu
MERIT Library 608-262-4750 library@education.wisc.edu
Social Work Library 608-263-3840 socworklib@library.wisc.edu
Steenbock Library 608-262-1371 asksteenbock@library.wisc.edu
Student Activity Center 608-263-0365 cfli@studentaffairs.wisc.edu
Union South 608-890-3000 union@union.wisc.edu

Who is eligible for InfoLabs Services?

  • All Current UW-Madison Employees 

  • All Enrolled Students 

A current, valid Wiscard must be presented at time of checkout. 

What do I need to know about WebCheckout?

  • WebCheckout is the system the UW-Madison InfoLabs use for technology circulation. 

  • WebCheckout is a system that enables better user interaction with InfoLabs circulating items, allowing for online self-service for viewing, reserving, and renewing available equipment. 

What are the policies regarding checkouts and overdue items?

Please see this page for information about our checkout policies. 

To submit feedback, please use this link: https://it.wisc.edu/provide-computer-labs-feedback/