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How to View Your UW-Madison DARS Report

The following information explains the process L&S undergraduate students to access their Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) report.
Student can request and review their Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) report in the Course Search and Enroll app or Student Center via My UW.

DARS is a tool that L&S undergraduate students are expected to use to audit the progress they are making towards their undergraduate degree programs and certificates.  A DARS report shows all the requirements for completing a degree.  For help in reading and interpreting a DARS report as it pertains to specific major and degree requirements, students should work with their assinged academic advisor.

For basic information about request and reading a DARS report, please refer to the following:
For more information on running and using DARS, refer to DARS Quick Guide: Students and DARS for Students.  Students can also get more assistance in using their DARS by going to L&S Academic Advising Services between the hours of 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday or calling (608) 262-5858. 

Degree Audit Reporting System, DARS, requesting a DARS, request a DARS, grade audit, status 
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