Topics Map > Student Records

DARS/Students - Request a DARS audit for a declared major/certificate

This shows students how to request a DARS audit within the Course Search & Enroll app, for a major/cert they have already declared, without using planned courses, while keeping the same Honors status.


These instructions only relate to how to complete the process in the Course Search & Enroll app.
For information on where to find the DARS audit request page within Course Search & Enroll app, see DARS/Students - Start the DARS audit request process.

How-To Video

To learn how to read a DARS audit report, reference DARS/Students - Read a DARS audit report.


Step 1

Click the "Run new degree audit" button in the Degree Audit section.

run new degree audit button

Step 2

Select your academic plan/program. Only those programs in which you are currently declared will be listed. If you have more than one, use the radio buttons to select the applicable program.

Run Degree Audit page with box around step 1

Step 3

Click the "Next" button.

Run degree audit with box around Next button at bottom of step 1

Step 4

Choose your audit settings. You can choose to include:

  • Previous, current, future, and planned terms: Includes courses already completed, enrolled courses that are in progress, enrolled courses that have not started, and courses in the degree planner from future terms that are not enrolled.
  • Previous, current, and future terms: Includes courses already completed, enrolled courses that are in progress, and enrolled courses that have not started.
  • Previous and current terms: Includes courses already completed and enrolled courses that are in progress.
  • Previous terms: Includes courses already completed.
  • Note: For additional instructions on including planned courses within a student-requested DARS audit, see DARS/Students - Request a DARS audit for a declared major, including planned courses

    capture of step 2 Choose audit settings and option Previous, Current and Future terms selected

Step 5

Click the "Request audit" button.

Step 6

The newly-requested audit will appear on the top line of the "Completed Audit Requests" page.

Competed Audit Requests screen with box around an option in the table

Step 7

Click the "View" button to see the audit.

Competed Audit Requests screen with box around View button

Step 8

Select the download icon to save a PDF format of your audit to your computer.

Competed Audit Requests screen with box around download button

For more information about the format of the CS&E app view of the DARS audit and the symbols used, see DARS/Students - Read a DARS audit report

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course search and enroll, dars, DARS, degree, degrees, degree planner, record, records 
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Owned by:
Katie B. in Office of the Registrar
DoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar