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Summer Accounting in L&S

Explanation of funding related to Summer Term in the College of Letters & Science. Last updated October 2023.

Summer 131 funding

The funding line for most instructional salaries and expenses during Summer Term: 131-2 A48##93, where '##' is the department number from your unit's UDDS.

  • Precise funding strings are listed on the Expense Details report in Box ("48-#### Summer").
  • Expenses on Summer 131 are calculated into a department's summer surplus. See Summer Budget Model Definitions for more information.
  • Reminder: fund 131 accounts are responsible for actual fringes on salaries.
  • Summer revenue is transferred to 131-A48##07 at the end of summer.

Summer 131 revenue transfer

In mid-October, the L&S Budget Office will post summer revenue to the 131-A48##93 accounts. The precise transfer amounts are reported on the final Financial Report with Revenue. The end-of-October balance in the 131-A48##93 account reflects the department’s summer surplus.

In November, the L&S Budget Office will transfer any balances from the 131-A48##93 accounts to departmental 131-A48##07 accounts. Once the November transfer has been made, the 131-A48##93 accounts will have zero balances, and should not be used again until the next summer.

Use and carryover of 131 balances

Departments making use of summer surpluses should pay all expenses from the 131-A48##07 accounts. Please contact Mary Beth Roberts if you have any questions.

Departments are encouraged to make timely use of fund balances. The College hopes to continue to give departments flexibility to carry balances across fiscal years. However, departments should have concrete plans for spending any summer surplus, and the flexibility to carry balances forward may be jeopardized if department balances become too large. Guidance from UW System and central campus will inform L&S policy and practice regarding appropriate balances and carryover from year to year.

Summer surpluses might be used for a variety of one-time expenditures as approved by your divisional associate dean. Some examples of these expenses include graduate student stipends, research or travel funds for Faculty, recruitment expenses, departmental colloquia, or performance bonuses.

Any losses in summer will be covered by the Summer Revenue account by default. Departments that end a summer with a negative surplus will be contacted by the L&S Budget Office to discuss how the situation will be addressed.

Primary Contacts for L&S Administration

  • L&S Budget Office
  • L&S Teaching & Learning Administration
    • Rob Schultz, Instructional Program Manager for Teaching & Learning Administration 

summer budget, summer session, summer sessions, 131, summer budget model, summer proposal, department planning spreadsheet, summer term budget proposal, expense details, financial report, summer revenue, 07 account, 131 profit 
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