Topics Map > Teaching, Learning & Academic Administration > Summer Term
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Summer Term: Details on Financial and Expense Reports

The page gives information about the detailed Expense and Finance reports L&S provides to departments related to their Summer Term course plans. Last updated August 2024.

Summer term has a separate budget model from the Academic Year (Fall/Spring) terms. As a result, departments must carefully plan for and pay attention to the costs of instruction and other expenses in relation to estimated enrollment and paid credits.

To help departments knowledgeably estimate and track costs and surplus, L&S provides:

  • Expense Details report - This report contains specific details for instructors, student appointments, and supplies & expenses.
  • Financial Report - This report creates a surplus estimate for the department, based on estimated paid credits and planned expenses.

Please see the sections below for more information.

Expense Details Report

The Expense Details report is sent to L&S departments and programs as part of their summer term approval and contains the following:

  • specific details for instructor & TA appointments (dates, percentage, funding, estimated salary) to be used by department HR/payroll staff
  • grader/reader hours or student hourly salaries, or other expenses related to summer instruction, if any
  • some curricular details (course session, modality)

Department staff who are responsible for offer letters and payroll will need this report.

Changes may be requested via the Instructional Staffing Request form (instructions).

The Expense Details Report will be shared with departments via Box ('48-##00 Summer Sessions' folder), and will be updated as changes occur based on hiring, enrollment, etc.

Expense Details Report fields

The Expense Details Report may be accessed in Box ('48-##00 Summer Sessions' folder).

This report is organized by course. The session and modality is included for each course.

Expense Details Fields
Field Description
  • Instructors: instructor name (if known) and title
  • TAs: shows number of TAs
  • Grader/readers: shows estimated number of hours
  • Student Help: includes description
  • Supplies & Expenses: includes description
Salary Rates

Base rates with pay basis for instructors, TAs & reader/graders

Appointment Dates

Start and end date for instructor and TA appointments

Appt %

Appointment percentage for instructors and TAs

Funding String

Full funding string. Default funding for summer is 131-2 A48##93.

Letter Details

Salary details for instructors and TAs. These figures are referenced in appointment letters.

  • Biweekly: shows the biweekly pay rate
  • Salary per TA: TA appointments only, shows the total salary paid to each TA for the course.
Est Cost
  • Instructors: total salary for the given appointment
  • TAs: total salary cost for all of the course's TAs
  • Reader/graders: estimated cost based on number of reader/grader hours
  • Student Help, Supplies & Expenses: shows estimated cost provided by the department.

Additional notes as needed.

Instructor appointments include a note regarding their offer letter. Expanded directions are also available on Offer Letter Procedure for Summer Instructors.

  • 'Dept drafts STS letter' is listed for STS appointments.
  • 'Faculty letter drafted by L&S' or 'Renewable Ac Staff letter drafted by L&S'; L&S HR will draft letters for Faculty and renewable Academic Staff instructors, and send them to the department administrator for distribution.
  • 'Course is part of teaching load, no additional HR agreement.' This is listed when an instructor is teaching as part of an A-Basis/12-month appointment.

Summer Financial Report

The summer Financial Report shows enrollment/credit data and cost data for each summer course. Related instructional expenses funded by Summer 131, like Summer Term Chair, are included. This data is used to calculate the overall summer surplus for the department or program.

There are three versions of the Financial Report, using either estimated or actual data:

These reports are sent via departmental summer Box folders ("48-#### Summer"). 

Initial Financial Report

This report creates a surplus estimate for the department, based on estimated paid credits and estimated costs. Based on past experience, preliminary mid-April student credit hours are 10-15% higher than final end-of-summer paid credits. This may be due to tuition waivers and students dropping courses throughout the summer. Therefore, this report includes a 10% correction to the student credit hour figure to help departments better estimate revenue or losses.

Financial Report - Initial
Column Name Description
Course Number and Name

Course number & name, with topic if applicable.

Other expenses funded by Summer 131, like Summer Term Chair, may also be listed.

Instruction Mode
  • Classroom
  • Online Only
  • Online (some classroom)
  • N/A
Est Costs

Sum of estimated costs on Summer 131 funding (131-2 A48##93).

Estimate includes fringe estimates (final costs will include actual fringe):

  • Instructors: 20% fringe estimate
  • Teaching Assistants: 5% fringe estimate
Est Enrollment

Estimated enrollment (headcount)

Credit Range

Credit range of course

Est Paid Credits

Paid Credits are credit hours associated with students who paid tuition to the campus tuition pool. See Summer Budget Model Definitions for a more detailed explanation.

Est Revenue

'Est Paid Credits' figure multiplied by $325

Est Surplus

'Est Revenue' minus 'Estimated Costs'

Paid Credits Needed for Positive Course Contribution

'Est Costs' figure divided by $325

Preliminary Enrollment Financial Report

This report creates a surplus estimate based on estimated costs and early enrollment data.

Preliminary Enrollment Financial Report Fields
Column Name Description
Course Number and Name

Course number & name, with topic if applicable.

Other expenses funded by Summer 131, like Summer Term Chair, may also be listed.

Instruction Mode
  • Classroom
  • Online Only
  • Online (some classroom)
  • N/A
Est Costs

Sum of estimated costs on Summer 131 funding (131-2 A48##93).

Estimate includes fringe estimates (final costs will include actual fringe):

  • Instructors: 20% fringe estimate
  • Teaching Assistants: 5% fringe estimate

Actual enrollment / headcount

Credit Range

Credit range of course

Student Credit Hours

Actual student credit hours (not paid credit hours).

Adjusted Student Credit Hours

90% of the 'student credit hours' figure.

Based on past summers, enrollment at this time is typically 10-15% higher than final paid credits.

Est Revenue

'Adjusted Student Credit Hours' multiplied by $325

Est Course Contribution to Dept Surplus

'Est Revenue' minus 'Est Costs'

Final Financial Report with Revenue

This report creates a surplus estimate based on actual costs on Summer 131 and actual enrollment data.

  • Surplus calculation: $325 * paid credits minus instructional costs
  • Summer Budget Model explanation: Revenue Reporting
  • Timing: Sent in late August/early September each year.
  • Revenue: See Summer Accounting in L&S for an explanation of revenue transfers.
Financial Report - Final with Revenue
Column Name Description
Course Number and Name

Course number & name, with topic if applicable.

Other expenses funded by Summer 131, like Summer Term Chair, may also be listed.

Instruction Mode
  • Classroom
  • Online Only
  • Online (some classroom)
  • N/A
Costs, Including Fringe

Actual costs to Summer 131 funding (131-2 A48##93), includes fringe.

Data is pulled from WISER. Costs may ultimately be higher if some costs have not posted to WISER at the time of the report.


Actual enrollment / headcount

Credit Range

Credit range of course

Student Credit Hours

Actual student credit hours

Paid Credit Hours

Actual paid credit hours.

Paid credit hours contribute to the department/program's revenue. See Summer Budget Model Definitions for a more detailed explanation.


'Paid Credit Hours' multiplied by $325

Course Contribution to Dept Surplus

'Revenue' minus 'Costs, Including Fringe'

This figure may ultimately be lower if some costs have not posted to WISER at the time of the report.


    Primary Contact

    Rob Schultz, Instructional Program Manager for Teaching & Learning Administration


    summer, summer budget, summer appointments, summer letters, summer payroll, summer TA, summer Teaching Assistant, summer instructor, summer faculty, teaching in summer 
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