News and Announcements

Canvas - Changes Coming to Syllabus and Course Summary Features August 16

Posted: 2024-07-08 16:25:01   Expiration: 2024-09-13 16:25:01

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2024-07-08 16:25:01. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Changes will be made in Canvas on August 16 to the Course Summary tool as well as the HelioCampus AC Syllabus integration. Instructors and course designers will need to be aware of these changes and make adjustments to their Canvas courses accordingly. Read on to learn more.

The following two changes will occur in Canvas on August 16:

  • Change #1: The HelioCampus AC Syllabus integration will be removed from Canvas. It will disappear from navigation options, and students will see an error message if instructors are using the HelioCampus AC Syllabus as the course homepage. To mitigate this change, please do the following in Canvas:
    • Set your course homepage to something other than HelioCampus AC Syllabus, such as Modules or a Front Page. You may use the Canvas Syllabus tool as the homepage after August 16 if you wish (see change #2 for more about the native Canvas Syllabus availability on August 16).
    • Upload the syllabus for the course using a different method, such as a file in your first Module, so that students can see it. It is highly recommended that you use the campus syllabus resources when creating your syllabus.

  • Change #2: The custom-built LTI called “Course Summary” that mimics behavior of the native Canvas Syllabus tool will be permanently removed. Concurrently, the Canvas Syllabus tool will be put back into place. To mitigate this change, please do the following in Canvas:
    • If actively using the Course Summary tool in a Canvas course, switch to using the Canvas Syllabus tool after August 16. All contents from the Course Summary will be carried over into the Canvas Syllabus tool. At that time, instructors can use the Canvas Syllabus tool as their course homepage if they wish.

-- Learn@UW-Madison