Learn@UW Login Unavailable 5-7:00 AM Tuesday, May 29
Posted: 2012-05-23 11:00:00 Expiration: 2012-05-29 06:20:00
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2012-05-23 11:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
DoIT maintenance to login services, including that of Learn@UW, will make Learn@UW access unavailable 5:00-7:00 AM on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.
Many other campus services will also be impacted by this maintenance work. For more information about the maintenance, see the DoIT outage notice.
We recommend you plan your access to Learn@UW around this timeframe and apologize for any inconvenience.
- Learn@UW Team
-- Learn@UW Mad: Kristy Roloff