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Canvas - Creating Groups in a Canvas Course

This document includes resources on creating manual or self sign-up groups in Canvas.

In your Canvas course, you may want to create groups to divide enrolled students into smaller collaboration units. There are two ways to create groups in Canvas: manually creating a group and creating a self sign-up group.

Manually Creating a Group

To manually create a group, see the article How do I manually create groups in a group set? from Instructure.

Creating a Self Sign-up Group

If you’d like to create a self sign-up group see this Instructure article, How do I create self sign-up groups in a group set?

Note: If you use a self sign-up group, please be aware that under some circumstances, students will be able to view assignment submissions from other groups. You can prevent this by imposing a deadline for group sign-up. For more details, see Canvas - Known Issue - Self Sign-Up Groups and Assignments [UW-Madison]

group set course groups manual self sign-up cohort 
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