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SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Meetings Tab


The Meetings Tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes is used to set up classes' day/time meeting patterns; request a General Assignment classroom or assign a locally controlled classroom; assign instructors and specify their grading access; and request specific room characteristics as needed. A similar page, Schedule Class Meetings, is used to make these same updates for combined sections.


From the SIS Homepage, select the Curric & Enrollment Rep WorkCenter tile. Select the Maintain Schedule of Classes link. 

Use the Find page to locate the course. Search by Institution, Term, and Subject Area (option: add Catalog Nbr). Navigate to the Meetings tab.

Meetings Tab Field Descriptions

Displayed Fields

Meetings tab displayed fields

Displayed fields
Field Description
Course ID Unique number assigned by the system when a course is first added to the Course Catalog
Academic Institution Always displays UWMSN for UW–Madison
Term Four-digit code representing century; academic year; and fall, spring, or summer
Subject Area Three-digit numeric code that identifies an instructional unit with a discrete grouping of courses
Catalog Nbr Course number in a Subject Area
Session See: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Basic Data Tab
Class Section
Associated Class
Class Number
Event ID Unique number assigned by the system when a day/time meeting pattern and facility ID are saved; used only for internal system processes, so disregard this field

Fields that may be updated by Curricular Representatives

Meetings tab reps may edit, facility ID, pattern, meeting start, meeting end, days of week, ID, Instructor Role, Access, and Room Characteristics

Fields that may be updated by Curricular Representatives
Field Description
Facility ID
  • A 10-character field. If you will use a department-controlled space, enter the numeric code for the specific building/room assignment. Contact Curricular Services if the room's code is not available in SIS.

  • Use alpha-numeric code 0000 GA RM (the code begins with four zeros) to request a General Assignment classroom. The description of PENDING ROOM and room capacity of 1 will display for this administrative code.

  • If the instruction mode for the class section is WO (Online only), enter ONLINE as the facility ID.

  • Once Curricular Services fills a request for a General Assignment classroom, the assigned classroom will appear in the facility ID, the building name and room number will display below the facility ID, and the the room capacity will display next to it.
Meeting Patterns
  • Codes that indicate the day(s) of the week the class meets and the default length of class. Enter the code or use the magnifying glass Look Up to search for the desired pattern.

  • If no pattern is selected, this field will default to DFLT. Never select or manually enter DFLT.

  • Days of the week (M T W T F S S)

Meeting Start and End Times
  • Mtg Start - class begin time

  • Mtg End - class end time

  • Classes generally should be scheduled using standard class hours, and departments should spread instruction across the day and throughout the week. See the campus Classroom Scheduling Policy for details.
Days of the week Check the boxes to indicate which days the class will meet
Instructor ID Instructor's SIS Empl ID number. Enter ID or select the look up icon to search for the instructor.
Instructor Role
  • Every section needs a Principal Instructor. You may add additional instructors as needed. Review this document for more details on Instructor Assignments in SIS. 

  • Principal: Instructor the students regularly interact with. A course section could have multiple principal instructors but every course section must have at least one principal instructor.

  • Supervisory: a qualified staff member who oversees courses and grading when the Principal section instructor does not meet standards according to the Policy on Minimum Qualifications for Instructional Staff or when the Principal section instructor, by HR title definition, needs supervision. This person is not necessarily involved in course delivery.

  • Auxiliary: a qualified staff member who provides a small portion of instruction in a section but does not have overall or substantial responsibility for the course or section.

Access (grading)

Defaults to 'Approve.' If needed, change to the type of e-grading access you want this instructor to have.

  • Approve: Instructor can input and submit grades or submit grades input by another instructor on the same course section. There should only be one instructor set to Approve for each grade roster.

  • Grade: Instructor can input grade, but not submit to registrar.

  • No Access: Instructor cannot grade or submit.

Room Characteristics (if GA) Specify necessary room characteristics when requesting a General Assignment classroom. Multiple characteristics may be requested using the [+] Add button. Only request characteristics that are essential to instruction. For more details on room scheduling, visit the Classroom Scheduling page. 
Academic Shift UW–Madison does not use this field. 

Example: The course below is a section of Math 114. The Facility ID indicates a specific General Assignment classroom assignment, AGR HALL 125. This room has been assigned by Curricular Services. The room capacity of 588 is displayed. The meeting pattern is 75 minutes on Tuesdays/Thursdays, which begins at 1:00 pm and ends at 2:15 pm. There is a Principal Instructor assigned. If any specific room characteristics had been specified, they would be listed.

Meetings Tab with editable field, facility ID, instructor role,  pattern, meeting start, meeting end, Assignment ID, Room characteristics


If you are trying to update the Meetings tab and fields are grayed out, it is likely that you are viewing a combined section. If the section is combined, edits must be made on Schedule Class Meetings page instead. Navigate to this page, search for your course section, make the necessary edits, and save. See also: Combined Sections: Types and Definitions and Updating Combined Sections.


Meetings tab with combined section link circled

Per campus policy, undergraduate Independent Study sections may not have meeting patterns assigned, and this restriction applies to graduate Independent Study sections as well. By definition, all Independent Study classes include regular instructional contact between the instructor and the student. However, because instruction is one-on-one, independent-study classes do not have recurring day/time meeting patterns or room assignments scheduled in SIS.

Keywordscourse (courses, class), course search and enroll, schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS)   Doc ID118645
OwnerKate K.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2022-05-20 12:36:40Updated2024-04-12 11:39:00
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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