Results: 1141-1160 of 2851

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1141Media captioning, transcription, and audio description vendor pricing15016IT Accessibility and Usability2024-08-2949682
1142Cisco VoIP - Voicemail Portal Sign in and Overview72618Voice Services2024-08-29114073
1143UCCX 12.5 - Adding and Deleting Custom Business Days121612Voice Services2024-08-291804
1144UCCX 12.5 - Adding and removing a holiday121607Voice Services2024-08-291846
1145Lumen Programs Form: Faculty and Staff Resources Section85070Lumen and Guide2024-08-271954
1146Accessing the Software Library65064CAE2024-08-2712468
1147Sponsoring an Undergraduate Student to do research on our servers.114584UW Math Department 2024-08-27569
1148Lumen Programs Form: Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment Section85075Lumen and Guide2024-08-262732
1149Connecting an iPhone or Android 10 or lower phone to the WIDMIR network69548DiscoverIT2024-08-263066
1150Muting Yourself and Participants in Webex88326Cisco Webex2024-08-2621120
1151Timeline for Annual Exxat Cohort Set-Up130746SMPH Academic Affairs Resource2024-08-26700
1152L&S Annual Fall Guide Revisions121233L&S KB2024-08-263316
1153Webex - Tools and Features for Meetings and Webinar97217Cisco Webex2024-08-266519
1154PGY-1/2 Medication Systems and Operations Resident114114UW Health Pharmacy2024-08-233342
1155Top Hat - Syncing Grades and Rosters with Canvas (LTI 1.3) [UW-Madison]119925Learn@UW-Madison2024-08-234352
1156Online Group Work: Barriers and Challenges104624Instructional Resources2024-08-236003
1157Student-Defined Questions (ALC)118470Instructional Resources2024-08-231964
1158Problem-Solving — Description103921Instructional Resources2024-08-232912
1159Using Collaboration and Teamwork136028Instructional Resources2024-08-23583
1160Fostering student accountability and preparation121917Instructional Resources2024-08-231234
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