Results: 2581-2600 of 6442

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
2581How to run: pitchComp122064SMNG Lab Manual2024-06-281544
2582How to run: pitchAdaptTwoWords123933SMNG Lab Manual2024-06-281058
2583How to run: taimComp122062SMNG Lab Manual2024-06-281730
2584Probationary Faculty Resources129962School of Human Ecology2024-06-281010
2585JEMS Job Changes - Entering Changes15164HR COP2024-06-2816100
2586Connecting to the UWBC Qlucore Licensing Server137544Biotechnology Center2024-06-27324
2587Human Ecology communications tools & templates113216School of Human Ecology2024-06-271422
2588Procedures: Named Options within Academic Majors116207Academic Planning2024-06-272639
2589Policy: Substantially Redirect an Academic Program116219Academic Planning2024-06-271120
2590Policy: Academic Program Review118805Academic Planning2024-06-271136
2591Box - Promote New Owner91764Law School2024-06-272351
2592Lumen/Guide: How to Add/Edit Four-Year Plans (Table Help)69387Lumen and Guide2024-06-263015
2593School/College Academic Planner Contacts109241Academic Planning2024-06-263451
2594Academic and Curricular Policy Repository Action Committee (ACPRAC)107136Lumen and Guide2024-06-262517
2595Procedures: Approvals for Distance Education Programs and Courses116436Academic Planning2024-06-261528
2596Requirements for All UW-Madison Course Offerings116405Academic Planning2024-06-261136
2597Consortial Agreements116215Academic Planning2024-06-261049
2598Procedures: Approval of Contractual Arrangements for the Delivery of Credit Instruction116216Academic Planning2024-06-261654
2599Procedures: Mode of Instruction Course Section Descriptors107897Academic Planning2024-06-255847
2600Courses: Credit Hour and Regular and Substantive Interaction Guidance107640Academic Planning2024-06-2510776
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