Results: 161-180 of 245

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
161SIS/Getting Started - Favorites1569Office of the Registrar2024-01-2617328
162SIS/Getting Started - Codes in SIS: Terms, Sessions and Subjects117776Office of the Registrar2024-01-263951
163Adobe Premiere Pro - Getting Started (UW-Madison)62223DoIT Help Desk2024-01-2210730
164Learner Engagement Analytics Dashboard (LEAD) will be unavailable starting January 11, 2024133636Learning Analytics2024-01-181559
165MFA-Duo - Managing Multi-factor Authentication Device Settings81480Identity and Access Management2024-01-0927736
166Adobe Illustrator - Getting Started (UW-Madison)62142DoIT Help Desk2024-01-0819523
167HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Instance - Settings (Admin) [UW-Madison]96277Learn@UW-Madison2023-12-193597
168Piazza - Create a Piazza Account [UW-Madison]63736Learn@UW-Madison2023-12-1519250
169HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Instance - Managing Surveys During Summer or Winterim Sessions (Admin) [UW-Madison]108864Learn@UW-Madison2023-12-143843
170Cisco Secure Endpoint (AMP) - An Introduction to Cisco Secure Endpoint (AMP)90958Cybersecurity2023-12-071484
171Canvas - Getting Started with Canvas Commons [UW-Madison]90683Learn@UW-Madison2023-12-0614963
172UW-Madison Zoom - Getting started105271Zoom2023-12-05124118
173Adobe Express - Getting Started (UW-Madison)100797DoIT Help Desk2023-11-273085
174Adobe InDesign - Getting Started (UW-Madison)62198DoIT Help Desk2023-11-276536
175SIS/Getting Started - Global Search129359Office of the Registrar2023-11-16411
176Adobe Photoshop - Getting Started (UW-Madison)61944DoIT Help Desk2023-11-1427238
177UW-Madison Google Workspace - Getting Started with Google Chat91701UW Google Apps2023-11-105090
178Adobe Captivate - Getting Started (UW-Madison)59962DoIT Help Desk2023-11-0716942
179Microsoft 365 - Options for Individual and Programmatic Sending14051Microsoft 3652023-11-0625886
180Starting a Remote Support Session99783L&S Learning Support Services2023-11-06512
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