Topics Map > OnCore

OnCore: PC Console Header

Screen shot of OnCore header including protocol summary information

Data Field Definitions - click to expand/collapse a list of fields and requirements for entry
Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Protocol No. The Protocol No. is a unique numeric identifier that is automatically assigned to the protocol upon creation. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Protocol Note Represents the presence and quick link of a protocol specific note entered in PC Console > Documents/Info > Archive/Notes. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Library In OnCore, each research group (Management Group) has its own Library. A library contains that group's default settings for drop down menus and notifications and calendar templates. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
PI The person who is responsible for the scientific and technical direction of the entire study entered in PC Console > Staff. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Sponsor The Principal Sponsor will appear in the header of some OnCore reports. This box must be checked on the PC Console > Sponsor tab. Thus, designating a sponsor doesn't necessarily imply that the sponsor in question provides most or all of the funding for the protocol, but simply that the sponsor should be listed on protocol reports. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Protocol Target Accrual Protocol Target Accrual to enter the number of subjects to accrue for the protocol entered in the PC Console > Accrual Information. This refers to the total number of subjects across all sites. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Accrual To Date The total number of subjects with a date entered in the On Study Date field on the Subject Console > On Study tab. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Protocol Status The protocol's current status entered in the PC Console > Status tab. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
RC Total Accrual Goal (Upper) Indicates the maximum side of the range for the research center total accrual entered in the PC Console > Accrual Information. This refers to upper limit of subjects at UW. View only N/A

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
IRB Expiration The IRB expiration date will be pulled from those IRB Reviews with Initial Review and Continuing Review having an action of Approved entered in PC Console > Reviews > IRB. A protocol that has no IRB Expiration date displays the field label “IRB Expiration” with an empty space.
The latest expiration date of the IRB Reviews on a given protocol will be displayed. If more than one review exists with a future date, the expiration date that is the furthest into the future will be displayed.
Past IRB expiration dates appear in red.
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Molly H. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics