Topics Map > OnCore
OnCore: Subject Quality Control
Outline of the OnCore protocol related data field quality control, explanation and resolution guidance.
Subject Console sections
Table of data quality control explanation and resolution
Query |
Explanation |
Resolution |
Subject should be 18 years or older at the time of consent if PC Console > Age Groups is 'Adults'. Please check the Subject Console > Demographics tab > Birth date. |
Verify that participant age is consistent with Age group selected. |
OnCore: Adding UW-Madison Subjects (Epic MRNs) to OnCore Protocol |
Missing Expired Date in Subject Console > Demographics tab. If Off Treatment Reason is Death then Subject Console > Demographics Expired Date should be entered. |
This field automatically populates to the Subject Console > Demographics tab > Expired Date field. |
OnCore: Adding UW-Madison Subjects (Epic MRNs) to OnCore Protocol |
Missing Expired Date in Subject Console > Demographics tab. If Off Study Reason is Death then Subject Console > Demographics Expired Date should be entered. |
This field automatically populates to the Subject Console > Demographics tab > Expired Date field. |
OnCore: Adding UW-Madison Subjects (Epic MRNs) to OnCore Protocol |
Table of data quality control explanation and resolution
Query |
Explanation |
Resolution |
Subject in Consented or Eligible status, but protocol is Terminated at the participating site. Update subject status to Consent Withdrawn or Not Eligible, as applicable. |
The participant status of Off Study when all participating sites are Terminated |
OnCore: Documenting Subject Informed Consent or Consent Refusal |
'Subject has Eligibility Date, but is missing Consent Date. Enter Consent Date in Subject Console > Consent Tab |
Verify a Consent entry prior to documentation of eligibility. |
OnCore: Documenting Subject Informed Consent or Consent Refusal |
On Study
Table of data quality control explanation and resolution
Query |
Explanation |
Resolution |
Missing Sequence Number is Subject Console > On Study tab. |
Sequence numbers are mandatory for all subjects accrued in the database, and are required to have the same syntax per protocol for studies open to accrual as of 1/1/06.
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as ON STUDY |
Missing On Study date in Subject Console > On Study tab. On Study Date should be entered if Off Study Date is entered. If subject did not go On Study remove the Off Study date. |
The status of Off Study should only follow an On Study status. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as ON STUDY |
Table of data quality control explanation and resolution
Query |
Explanation |
Resolution |
Missing On Treatment Date in Subject Console > Treatment tab. If the subject did not go On Treatment remove the Off Treatment Date as well. |
This date should be the same or later than the On Study Date. |
Missing On Arm Date in Subject Console > Treatment tab. If Off Arm Date is entered then On Arm Date should be entered. |
This date should be the same or after the On Study Date. |
On Arm Date must be on or after On Study Date |
This date should be the same or after the On Study Date. |
On Treatment Date must be on or after On Study Date |
This date should be the same or after the On Study Date. |
Off Treatment Date must be on or after On Treatment Date |
This date should be the same or prior to the Off Arm Date, if arm dates are required. |
Follow Up
Table of data quality control explanation and resolution
Query |
Explanation |
Resolution |
Missing Off Study date in Subject Console > Follow Up tab. Off Study should be entered if Expired Date is entered. |
This date should be the same or after the Follow Up date. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as Off Study |
Missing Off Study date in Subject Console > Follow Up tab. Off Study should be entered if the Study is documented as Terminated at the participating site. |
The participant status of Off Study when all participating sites are Terminated. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as Off Study |
Missing Off Study date in Subject Console > Follow Up tab. Off Study Date should be entered if Off Study Reason is entered. |
Verify that the Off Study fields of data and reason are consistently entered. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as Off Study |
Missing Off Study Reason in Subject Console > Follow Up tab. Off Study Reason should be entered if Off Study Date is entered. |
Verify that the Off Study fields of data and reason are consistently entered. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as Off Study |
Followup Start Date must be on or after Off Treatment Date |
This date should be the same or after the Off Treatment Date. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as Off Study |
Off Study date must be on or after Followup Start Date |
This date should be the same or after the Follow Up Date. |
OnCore: Documenting a Subject as Off Study |