Topics Map > OnCore > Data Field Definitions > Oncology
Topics Map > OnCore > Data Field Definitions > Non-oncology

Protocol Staff Role

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Responsible for Entry QA
Staff Role Protocol Staff Role identifies the staff member's role in relation to the protocol. An individual can have multiple roles on a protocol and a separate entry should be made for each entry. Required

Protocol Role is a required field for entry Protocol Staff entry. At a minimum, you must add the following staff:

  1. Required staff outlined below
  2. Staff that need to receive protocol notifications
  3. Ancillary Services that need access to the protocol and notifications and are a collaborator on the protocol (e.g., CPL, PRC, CRU, Radiology, BioBank, TRIP Lab and/or OTRS, etc.)
  • Principal Investigator role (additional investigators can be added as Co-Investigators or Sub-Investigators).
  • Program Manager: The manager of the UWCCC DOWG or Research Group. The Program Manager is the primary contact for Oncore data discrepancy reports.
  • Protocol Administrative Coordinator (UWCCC): Research staff responsible for the administrative tasks related to protocol activation and maintenance such as protocol review and workflow development.
  • Regulatory Coordinator: Staff responsible for the preparation of regulatory documents and the PRMC and IRB committee submissions for the activation and maintenance of clinical research trials.
  • Research Billing Contact: Staff responsible for reviewing the research charges in Health Link and primary contact for questions. Oncology: Assign the Program Manager(s) to this role.
  • Study Coordinator: Staff that consents subjects, completes regulatory tasks and/or performs other duties for research studies conducted at UW - Madison. Oncology: staff at Johnson Creek are entered with this role so they receive notifications
  • Oncology: Study Chair: investigator responsible ona protocol for writing protocol documents, assuring necessary approvals are obtained from applicable committees, monitoring of the study data, analyzing the results and reporting results to the NCI.
  • Oncology: Central Financial Specialist: Central Fiscal Staff Member involved in the drafting and negotiating the contract and budget for the study. This role is entered for any study where the clinical trial budget is being negotiated by the UWCCC Central Finance Team.

OnCore: Protocol Roles
OnCore: Adding and Removing Staff From OnCore Protocols
PC Console edit / PRMC (UWCCC) or Protocol Coordinator Yes

Protocol Staff Role contact 
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Molly H. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics