Results: 121-140 of 155

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
121Attribution: Disease995042022-10-05165
122Attribution: Non-Investigational Therapy995062022-10-05167
123Event No.995092022-10-05172
124Date Discovered995482022-10-05170
125Deviation Date995532022-10-05315
127Description of Event995552022-10-05164
128Effect of Subject Safety995562022-10-05164
129Action Taken995572022-10-05168
130Did the deviation put the participant or others at increased risk and/or negatively affect the primary study aims?995582022-10-05164
131Has the integrity or validity of the data been compromised?995592022-10-05206
132Date Reported to IRB995612022-10-05181
133Date Reported to Sponsor995642022-10-05164
134Accrual Summary1018292022-10-05318
135Accrual Details1018302022-10-05363
136Document Type1018622022-10-05186
137Document: Version Date1018632022-10-05171
138Document: Description1018642022-10-05154
139Document: Reconsent Required?1018652022-10-05185
140Eligibility Version History1018832022-10-05156
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