Results: 301-320 of 411

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
301Status Date993512022-10-05178
302Reason Withdrawn993542022-10-05157
303On Study Date993562022-10-05156
304Study Site993572022-10-05155
305Select Arm994582022-10-05311
306On Arm Date994592022-10-05269
307On Treatment Date994602022-10-05249
308Off Arm Date994622022-10-05287
309Off Treatment Date994632022-10-05173
310Off Treatment Reason994652022-10-05158
311Off Study Date994662022-10-05289
312Off Study Reason994672022-10-05163
313Reported Date994722022-10-05159
314Reported By994732022-10-05148
315PI Comments994792022-10-05170
316Protocol Attribution994812022-10-05193
318SAE Classification994872022-10-05148
319Report to IRB?994882022-10-05172
320Last Dose/Last Treatment Date995032022-10-05133
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