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Faculty Senate Agendas and Minutes for Academic Year 2016-2017
May 1, 2017
2. Announcements/Information Items
Forward Together: A New Era for Diversity and Inclusion.
3. Question period.
4. Minutes of April 3 meeting. (consent).
5. Officer Education Committee Annual Report for 2016-2017. (Fac doc 2683)
6. Advisory Committee for the Office of Equity and Diversity Annual Report for 2015-2016.
(Fac doc 2684)
7. Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Annual Report for 2012-2016.
(Fac doc 2685)
8. Report of Elections to UW-Madison Faculty Committees for 2017-2018.
(Fac doc 2686)
9. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Study Report. (Fac doc 2687 forthcoming)
10. Proposal to Merge the Department of Urban and Regional Planning with the Department of Landscape Architecture. (Fac doc 2688)
11. Proposal to Change the Name of the Department of Zoology to Integrative Biology.
(Fac doc 2689)
12. Resolution in Support of Transgender Students, Faculty, and Staff. (Fac doc 2690) (vote)
Faculty Senate Minutes 2017-05-01
April 3, 2017
1. Memorial Resolutions for
Professor Emeritus Harald Naess (Fac doc 2674).
Professor Emerita Dorothy Pringle (Fac doc 2675).
2. Presentation of the 2017 Hilldale Awards to:
Arts and Humanities Division: Professor Henry John Drewal, Department of Art History and Department of Afro-American Studies
Biological Sciences Division: Professor Kenneth Raffa, Department of Entomology
Physical Sciences Division: Professor John W. Valley, Department of Geoscience
Social Studies Division: Professor David Weimer, Department of Political Science, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs
3. Announcements/Information Items.
4. Question period.
5. Minutes of 6 March Meeting (consent).
6. Proposal to Change the Name of the UW-Madison School of Library and Information Studies to the UW-Madison Information School (Fac doc 2676).
7. Resolution Calling for Fair and Equitable Pay for Faculty Assistants (Fac doc 2677)
March 6, 2017
2. Announcements/Information Items.
3. Question Period.
4. Minutes of February 6, 2017, meeting (consent).
5. Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee Annual Report for 2016-2017 (Fac doc 2671).
6. Final Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Equitable and Inclusive Health Care (Fac doc 2674).
7. Update to the Slates for Faculty Elections (Fac doc 2663 Rev.).
8. Incorporation of University Health Care Advisory Committee into Faculty Policies and Procedures (Fac doc 2672). (vote)
9. Proposal to change the name of the Social Studies Division to the Social Sciences Division (Fac doc 2673). (vote)
10. Post-tenure review (Fac Doc 2639 with modifications) (vote)
Revised in response to Board of Regent revision of RPD 20-9 ( and related "Approval of Interim Post-Tenure Review Policy Language, as may be Needed for Individual UW Institutions (
Faculty Senate Minutes 2017-03-06
February 6, 2017
2. Announcements/Information Items.
3. Question Period.
4. Minutes of December 5, 2016 Meeting (consent).
5. Report of the Nominations for Election to the Committee on Committees
The following faculty members are nominated for election by the Faculty Senate to fill a vacancy on the Committee on Committees in the Physical Sciences Division for a 4-year term:
- John Yin (District 34, Engineering/Chemical Engineering)
- Dan Vimont (District 64, L&S/Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)
6. Committee on Committees Annual Report for 2017: Nominations for Faculty-Elected Committees (Fac Doc 2663)
7. University Curriculum Committee Annual Report for 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2664)
8. University Library Committee Annual Report for 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2665)
9. Proposal to Change Faculty Policies and Procedures 5.14., 5.30., 6.09., 7.06., and 7.10. to Clarify Chancellor and Provost Roles (Fac Doc 2666)
10. Proposal to Change Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.20. per Revised UW System Policy on Leaves of Absence (Fac Doc 2667)
11. Research Misconduct Policy (for vote)
- Summary of Changes (Fac Doc 2668)
- Research Misconduct Policy (Fac Doc 2668a)
- Proposal to Change Faculty Policies and Procedures 9.14. to Incorporate the Changes to the Research Misconduct Policy (Fac Doc 2668b)
12. Post-tenure review (first reading) (Fac Doc 2639 with modifications)
Revised in response to Board of Regent revision of RPD 20-9 ( and related "Approval of Interim Post-Tenure Review Policy Language, as may be Needed for Individual UW Institutions" (pp. 200-205 of
December 5, 2016
2.Announcements/Information Items.
3. Question Period.
4. Minutes of November 7 meeting (consent).
5. Athletic Board Annual Reports, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016.
(Fac Doc 2655)
6. University Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2014-2016. (Fac Doc 2656)
7. PROFS Annual Report for 2015-2016. (Fac Doc 2657)
8. Minor Protection and Adult Leadership policy. (Fac Doc 2658)
9. Resolution on Solidarity with Students, Staff, and Faculty Experiencing Discrimination. (Fac Doc 2659) (for vote)
10. Resolution to Support UW-Madison Undocumented Students (Fac Doc 2660). (for vote)
11. Executive Session of the Faculty Senate to Receive the Confidential Report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees.
Faculty Senate Minutes 2016-12-05
November 7, 2016
2. State of the Research Enterprise.
3. Campus Master Plan.
4. Question Period.
5. Minutes of April 4 and September 26 (consent).
6. University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2641)
7. Campus Planning Committee Annual Reports for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2642).
8. Committee on Women in the University Annual Report for 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2643).
9. Ombuds and Employee Assistance Office Annual Reports for 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2644).
10. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Combined Annual Report for 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2645).
11. Information Technology Combined Annual Reports for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 (Fac Doc 2646)
12. Campus Information Technology (IT) Governance and Structure (Fac Doc 2647).
13. Proposal to Modify Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.42. to change the membership of the Information Technology Committee (Fac Doc 2648). (for vote)
14. Proposal to modify FPP 6.06.H. as follows: "If circumstances warrant, and upon consultation with the committee concerned, the University Committee shall appoint an appropriately qualified replacement to fill the vacancy until a faculty member is elected at the next annual election to complete the unexpired term. The Committee on Committees will provide input if the vacancy is for the University Committee." (for vote)
15. Confirmation of committee appointment: Eric Sandgren, Pathobiological Sciences, to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits for 1 year, replacing Julie Allen who resigned from the committee. (for vote)
16. Confirmation of committee appointment: Aparna Lakkaraju, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits for 2 years, replacing Carolyn Kelley who resigned from the committee. (for vote)
17. Confirmation of committee appointment: Asligul Gocmen, Urban and Regional Planning, to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits for 2 years, replacing Laura McClure who resigned from the committee). (for vote)
18. Proposal to Modify Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.50. to change the membership of Retirement Issues Committee (Fac Doc 2649) (for vote)
19. Proposal to Modify Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.51. regarding the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (Fac Doc 2650). (for vote)
20. Merger of Department of History with the Department of the History of Science. (Fac Doc 2651).
21. Post-tenure review policy (for vote) (Fac Doc 2639 Revised and Fac Doc 2639a)
Faculty Senate Minutes 2016-11-07September 26, 2016
1. State of the University
2. Question period
3. Minutes of May 2 meeting and minutes of May 17 special meeting (consent)
4. Highlights of Faculty Legislation, 2015-2016 (Fac doc 2633)
5. Canvas learning management system (Fac doc 2634)
6. Relocation of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (for vote) (Fac doc 2635)
7. Academic calendar and related policies (for vote) (Fac docs 2636, 2636a, and 2632)
8. Proposal to modify Faculty Policies and Procedures 2.04.F. regarding Senate alternates (for vote) (Fac doc 2637)
9. Campus statement on commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (for vote) (Fac doc 2638)
10. Post-tenure review policy (first reading) (Fac doc 2639 and Fac doc 2639a)