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Faculty Senate Minutes 2017-02-06

Minutes passed March 6, 2017
February 6, 2017
Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. with 140 voting members present (112 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Roberto Sánchez (Faculty Document 2661) and Professor Emeritus Sung-Feng Wen (Faculty Document 2662). Chancellor Blank announced the opening of the Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center and congratulated Engineering students on their achievements in the worldwide SpaceX Hyperloop competition. She also provided updates on applications, graduate assistant stipend rates, the new UW police chief, the Madison-hosted Board of Regents meeting and related showcasing of our campus, budget topics and the proposed Badger Promise for transfer students, immigration issues, background checks, and campus carry. University Committee chair Amy Wendt explained conversations with shared governance leadership at other Big10 institutions aimed at finding ways to collaborate on responding to national issues and invited UW faculty participation and contributions. There were several questions and comments, relating to immigrant students, national politics, background checks, and immigration. The minutes of the meeting of December 5, 2016, were approved as distributed.
Professor Ivy Corfis (Spanish & Portuguese and chair, Committee on Committees) presented the nominations for election to the Committee on Committees and the 2017 annual report of the Committee on Committees (Faculty Document 2663). Chancellor Blank called for nominations from the floor and received none. Professor Leslie Smith (Mathematics and chair, University Curriculum Committee) presented the annual report of the University Curriculum Committee for 2015-2016 (Faculty Document 2664). Professor Dan Klingenberg (Chemical Engineering and chair, University Library Committee) presented the annual report of the University Library Committee (Faculty Document 2665). There were no comments or questions on any of these reports. 
Professor Wendt (University Committee, District 120) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2666 which clarifies the roles of the chancellor and provost with regard to faculty transfers, departmental chair selection, committee reports, and actions on probationary appointments, bringing those sections of Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) into line with campus practice. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Wendt then moved adoption of Faculty Document 2667 which updates FPP to conform with current UW System policy on leaves. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Professor Dan Uhlrich (Neuroscience and chair, ad hoc committee to amend research misconduct policy) moved adoption of a new campus research misconduct policy (Faculty Document 2668a) and related changes to FPP to reflect the new policy (Faculty Document 2668b). The motion was seconded. There were two questions, one related to the role of the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities and the other about evidentiary standards. The motion passed by voice vote.
Professor Wendt presented revisions to the campus post-tenure review policy (Faculty Document 2639, modified) for a first reading. There were several comments, questions, and suggestions, which will be taken into account prior to a vote on the matter at the next Senate meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:51 p.m.
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Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

shared governance document 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty