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Faculty Senate Minutes 2017-10-02
Minutes approved 11-06-2017
02 October 2017
Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 152 voting members present (109 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Charles R. Bentley (Faculty Document 2691), Professor Emerita Biruté Ciplijauskaité (Faculty Document 2692), Professor Emeritus Donn D’Alessio (Faculty Document 2693), Professor Emeritus Jack Fowler (Faculty Document 2694), and Professor Emeritus Milton Sunde (Faculty Document 2695).
Chancellor Blank presented her annual State of the University address. After welcoming new senators and introducing new leadership, she reviewed recent accomplishments and laid out four strategic priorities: enhance the educational experience, improve access for all students, maintain and grow faculty excellence, and expand and improve our research portfolio. Blank outlined a number of entrepreneurial strategies to bring in new dollars to invest; reported on campus impact of state and federal budgets; outlined work on sustainability (Faculty Document 2696); described ongoing efforts to improve campus climate; and addressed changes concerning DACA students. [The entirety of the address is available as both audio file and written transcription are available through the links above] The chair of the University Committee, Professor Anja Wanner (University Committee, District 120), also welcomed senators to a new year, explained some of the mechanics and logistics of the Senate, provided an overview of expectations for the coming year, reported on Board of Regents and UW System items, and encouraged faculty to join PROFS. There were questions about Badger Promise, state changes to domestic partnerships, student mix, and the relationship between sustainability and equity.
The minutes of the meeting of May 1, 2017, were approved. Chancellor Blank called attention to Faculty Document 2697, “Highlights of Faculty Legislation, 2016-2017.” Professor Chad Goldberg (Sociology, District 71) provided an update to Faculty Document 2677, “Resolution Calling for Fair and Equitable Pay for Faculty Assistants,” passed by the Senate in Spring 2017. Professor Wanner moved to confirm the appointment of Jo Ellen Fair (African Cultural Studies) to serve on the Committee on Committees for the spring semester 2018, replacing Ivy Corfis (Spanish & Portuguese), who will be on sabbatical. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Professor Wanner moved to confirm the appointment of Lisa Bratzke (Nursing) to serve on the University Library Committee for three years, replacing Leema Berland (Curriculum & Instruction), who resigned from the committee. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf presented the annual report of the University Academic Planning Council (Faculty Document 2698). There were no questions or comments. Associate Professor Kurt Paulsen (Planning & Landscape Architecture, District 76) presented Faculty Document 2699, “Resolution Calling for the Creation and Implementation of a Campuswide Climate Action Plan,” for a first reading. There was one comment regarding related legislation previously passed. Professor Wanner presented for a first reading a change to Faculty Policies and Procedures to clarify the role of academic staff as graduate student advisors (Faculty Document 2700). There were two comments pointing to the need for the policy to recognize the role of federal scientists. Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 4:39 p.m.

Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty
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