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Faculty Senate Minutes 2017-11-06
Minutes approved mo-day, 2017
Minutes November 11, 2017
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 159 voting members present (109 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Lloyd Bitzer (Faculty Document 2701) and Professor Emeritus Norbert Schmitz (Faculty Document 2702). Provost Mangelsdorf reported on Homecoming Weekend, the opening of Alumni Park and the renovated Memorial Union, improved student outcomes (graduation rate, average time to degree, undergraduate retention rates), Winter Commencement speakers, faculty and student awards, proposed UW System reorganization (including the return of Cooperative Extension to UW-Madison), the results of the student Campus Climate Survey ( and subsequent actions for change, and administrative searches underway for University Health Services director, Vice Provost for Libraries, Chief Information Officer, and Morgridge Center for Public Center director. There were two questions both relating to the UW-Superior campus.
The minutes of the meeting of October 2, 2017, were approved. Professor Tim Smeeding (La Follette School of Public Affairs) presented the annual report of the University Lectures Committee (Faculty Document 2703). Associate Professor Doug Wiegmann (Industrial Engineering) presented the annual report of the University Curriculum Committee (Faculty Document 2704). Graduate School Dean Bill Karpus presented the annual report of the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (Faculty Document 2705). There were no questions or comments on any of these items.
Associate Professor Kurt Paulsen (Planning & Landscape Architecture, District 76) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2699, “Resolution Calling for the Creation and Implementation of a Campuswide Climate Action Plan.” The motion was seconded. There was one question regarding the financial aspects of the resolution. The motion passed by voice vote with no dissenting votes. (Faculty Document 2700 was not introduced and will be revisited at a future Senate meeting.) Professor Anja Wanner (University Committee, District 120) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2706, which updated language in chapters one and two of Faculty Policies and Procedures that had become outdated. There was one clarification question. Professor Chad Goldberg (Sociology, District 71) moved to divide the question, to separate the chapters. The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote. The modifications to FPP Chapter 1 passed unanimously by voice vote. Following some questions about potential downsides to the modifications to Chapter 2, the changes passed by a show of hands. Professor Wanner presented Faculty Document 2707, revisions to FPP Chapter 11, for a first reading and called on Dean of Continuing Studies Jeff Russell to explain and provide context to the changes. Prof. Wanner also presented Faculty Document 2708, related to a new campus Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy and related to changes to Faculty Legislation II-303, for a first reading. Comments and questions on these two first readings will be taken into account prior to a vote on these items at the next meeting. Provost Mangelsdorf adjourned the meeting at 4:31 p.m.

Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty
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