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Academic Staff Mentoring Committee Agenda 05-13-22


Academic Staff Mentoring Committee

Friday, May 13, 2022, 9:00-10:00 am 

Microsoft Teams


9:00 am – 9:05 am: Welcome & meeting minutes volunteer
9:05 am – 9:10 am: Approve Meeting Minutes (April)
9:10 am – 9:12 am: Incoming Committee Members Update

·         Liza Chang

·         Tarakee Jackson

·         Alissa Oleck

9:12 am – 9:30 am: Events Sub-Committee (Vanessa, Gretchen, Jessica, Carmen, Christy)

·         Program wrap-up event

§  Date: May 18

§  Time: 11 am- 12 pm

§  Location: Zoom

§  Topic: Career Development and You: Learn about UW-Madison resources supporting your future

§  Committee roles:

·         Introduction/Wrap-up

·         Q&A facilitation

·         Tech support

·         Evaluation?

·         2021-22 draft End-of-Program evaluation is available here:

·         When to send out?

·         Refine the new Event Planning Resources folder and add to the Fall Kickoff Event Details

9:30 am – 9:40 am: Mentor-Mentee Match Sub-Committee (Brian, Justin, Gretchen, Alex)

·         Updates

·         Justin working on matching section of recurring tasks document:

9:40 am – 9:50 am: Resources Sub-Committee (Vanessa, Justin, Kendra)

·         Webpage

o    Review the new Shared Resources folder and draft of the Helpful Campus and Other Resources to add to our webpage

§  Decide on a title for it                  

§  Confirm preferred sharing settings

§  Discuss next steps such as: adding a description after each main section, and brainstorming resources, selecting what should be included

o   Pending webpage updates:

§  Create a clear statement of our program goals, including what we are and what we’re not to incorporate into our webpage and program promotion

§  Define Academic Staff:

§  Identify program outcomes: learn about campus, network, career path, etc.

·         LinkedIn

10:00 am - Adjourn

Next ASMC meeting: June 10

ASMC Members:

Christy Lowney (thru 6/2022) - Chair
Brian Asen (thru 6/2022)
Jessica Swenson (thru 6/2022)
Carmen Juniper Neimeko (thru 6/2023)
Justin Sena (thru 6/2023)
Alex Stark (thru 6/2023)
Gretchen Anding (thru 6/2024)
Kendra Gurnee (thru 6/2024) 
Vanessa Taulbee (thru 6/2024)

Mentoring Agenda 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff