Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2014-2015 > 01. July

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-31-14

Approved on 8/14/14 with Corrections


ASEC Minutes

2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 31, 2014

67 Bascom Hall


Members Present: Marwa Bassouni; Bruno Browning; Denny Hackel; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Vice-Chair

Guests: Heather Daniels, Paul DeLuca, Nancy Lynch, Bob Mathieu, Jake Smith, Julie Underwood

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of July 17, 2014, were approved with a minor correction.

Guest: Paul DeLuca, Provost

Provost DeLuca discussed the arrival of the new provost, Sarah Mangelsdorf, and informed ASEC that he had briefed her on initiatives that were in progress and ASEC’s meeting schedule.

Provost DeLuca then discussed Unizin, a consortium of universities which we are considering joining and which focuses on digital learning. Joining Unizin would include replacing D2L with the Unizin learning management system, Canvas. Canvas is thought to allow for greater flexibility and versatility for users.

Guests: Nancy Lynch, Legal Services; Bob Mathieu, WCER; and Julie Underwood, Dean, School of Education

Nancy Lynch, Bob Mathieu, and Julie Underwood discussed the issue of ownership of intellectual property, with specific regard to materials developed by staff, faculty and students within the School of Education. They announced the development of a policy within the School of Education that outlines clear ways to own that intellectual property. They discussed the consistency of the School of Education’s policy with GAPP 27 (the existing UW System policy) and stated that the new policy differentiates according to category of work instead of classification. The new policy is being treated as a pilot solely for the School of Education at present. All three guests stated that they would bring back a status report as the pilot program moves forward.

Guest: Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (Professional Development presentation)

Vice Chancellor Bazzell provided ASEC with a look at budget basics, at both the campus level and the state level. He also discussed the latest round of CCF (Critical Compensation Fund) as well as an upcoming budget exercise.

Assembly Standing Committee Chair Reports

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee co-chair Jason Jankoski inquired of ASEC whether CEBC should write up a report with its findings regarding CCF exercises and indicate support for continuing. ASEC supported this suggestion and indicated that this report be presented to the assembly. Jankoski also indicated that CEBC was working through the data on their latest survey.

General Reports

Chair Heather McFadden asked the committee to continue suggesting other professional development opportunities. She reported that a draft of civility legislation with procedures has been completed and will go to the Faculty Senate for a first read in October. She will work with Heather Daniels on Academic Staff legislation for the next Assembly meeting. Heather M. also asked ASEC to provide her with any topics that the committee wanted to discuss with the new provost at the next meeting.

Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels discussed ensuring quorum in the upcoming semester’s ASEC meetings, as well as districting and communication within districts. She reported that the ad hoc committee on faculty supervision would meet on Friday. The Academic Staff Institute group also met to discuss choices for its keynote speaker this year, and it decided that it would invite Provost Mangelsdorf as well. Heather D. reported that the office is working on securing “swiping access” for assembly meetings, and the office also met with DoIT regarding a shared database for committees with the Secretary of the Faculty and the Secretary of the Classified Staff, with a likely go-live of 2015.

Liaison Reports

ASPRO – Kevin Niemi reported that the board subcommittee met with UW System President Ray Cross to discuss priorities (e.g. HR Design, shared governance, UPS). The topic of enforcing guidelines (Unclassified Personnel Guidelines) consistently across campuses at a unit level was also discussed, as was a possible push for merit from the Board of Regents.

HR Design – Denny Hackel reported that there will be approximately 15 new academic staff positions in the near future as a result of classified exempt positions moving to academic staff. There was also a discussion on performance management, specifically with respect to the consquences of not doing reviews and the relationship to raises.

o   Michael Moscicke and Jenny Hackel will be proposing an opt-out system for both supervisor and employee to the joint committee on performance management for its consideration.


Shared governance letter

o   ASEC discussed the revisions of the chancellor’s annual memo regarding supporting shared governance and made further revisions for the chancellor’s consideration

Assembly planning meeting

o   Discussion postponed until next meeting

Retreat planning/survey results

o   The agenda draft remains open for revision to best maximize use of time. The committee will receive the survey results before the meeting and consider governance’s role in addressing those issues. ASEC members should identify any issues inside/outside of governance and send to Jake before the next ASEC meeting.

Limited appointments participation in governance (continued)

o   ASEC agreed to bring this issue to the Assembly

Humanities/Social Science Research Excellence Award

o   Heather D. discussed funding a second round of this award in aid of institutionalizing it. Two years ago, this came from Margaret Harrigan’s Women’s Champion Award. The idea was raised of PDRC looking for private funding to match half of the $5K.

Next ASEC Meeting, August 14, 2014 – for decision

-       Retreat planning
-       Liaison assignments (finalized)
-       September Assembly agenda
-       Guests: Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf, Patrick Sims, Ian Robertson

Convened in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointment for Academic Staff Appeals Committee and possible nominations for the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management search-and-screen committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Motion to appoint Kurt Zimmerman to the Academic Staff Appeals Committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Motion to nominate Michelle Curtis, Allison Rice, Jeff Shokler, and Emily Tarter for the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management search-and-screen committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Reconvened in Open Session (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID42964
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-08-18 13:20:01Updated2014-08-18 13:50:58
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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