ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, December 18, 2014
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Vice-Chair; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Darrell Bazzell, Michael Bernard-Donals, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jake Smith, Vince Sweeney, Carol Van Hulle
The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.
The minutes of December 4, 2014, and December 16, 2014, were approved without changes.
Guests: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost, and Darrell Bazzell, Vice Provost for Finance and Administration
ASEC discussed strategies for encouraging the startup of new CASIs. Darrell Bazzell offered to try and tackle General Services. Both Sarah Mangelsdorf and Darrell Bazzell are willing to sign a letter to encourage directors/deans to set up a CASI. ASEC should include advice on how to go about setting up a CASI, and examples of bylaws. ASEC will work on drafting a letter. There was a discussion about the inclusion of classified staff on CASIs when appropriate.
Guest: Vince Sweeney, Vice Chancellor of University Relations
Vince Sweeney shared the strategic plan for statewide outreach and engagement. There is a need for UW-Madison to tell the UW-Madison story around the state. The plan is long-term and sustainable. The plan includes nurturing relationships with friends of the University, coordinating information coming from UW-Madison, and identifying metrics and measurables. Vince Sweeney also shared strategies for the upcoming legislative year. Several ASEC members pointed out the contributions of academic staff and asked that these contributions be recognized through the strategic plan.
Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Michael Bernard-Donals explained that, since the last accreditation for UW-Madison, the criteria for accreditation has changed at the Higher Learning Commission. Academic Planning and Institutional Research put together a gap analysis to find out which of the new criteria we are not meeting. The new criteria include the need for a statement of standard of qualifications for instructors. It also requires that we have the academic credentials for each instructor that is available to students and the general public.
ASEC shared some concerns they had about the recent hiring of the football coach. Michael Bernard-Donals shared some of the issues discussed at the University Committee the last time this had happened.
Guest: Steve Lund, Director of Academic Personnel Office
Steve Lund reported that Mark Walters will be the primary contact for ASEC. There will be two units in the reconfigured Human Resources office that will be of most interest to academic staff: workforce relations and compensation and titling. They are currently recruiting a director for the compensation and titling unit. ASEC recognized Steve Lund for his service to academic staff and wished him well in retirement.
Standing Committee Reports
Compensation and Economic Benefits (CEBC): Carol Van Hulle reported that CEBC is still working on a summary of the titling/compensation survey. They expect to send it to ASEC in late January/early February.
General Reports
• Vice-Chair Kevin Niemi reported on the two governance lunches this week. On Monday, about 20 representatives from Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) met with a few members of ASEC. One item that came up for discussion was governance rights within departments for academic staff. On Tuesday, the meeting was with shared governance committee representatives was held for only the second time. Everyone who attended felt it was valuable and that this type of meeting should continue.
• Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the committee looking at a shared database for committees should have a proposal including an estimated cost in January. Based on the ASEC meeting Tuesday, she sent an email to the Athletic Board chair requesting a copy of the hiring proposal he referenced at the University Committee meeting. Lastly, she shared with ASEC a request from Jocelyn Milner regarding the collection of academic credentials from academic staff instructors.
Liaison Reports:
Systemwide Academic Staff Representatives: Kevin Niemi reported that there was a lot of discussion about 12 payments for 9 month appointments. The group had approximately 40 minutes on the phone with UW System President Ray Cross.
• January 12, 2015 Assembly Meeting
ASEC looked at a draft agenda for a January meeting. There was discussion around whether a guest should be invited especially if quorum could be an issue, what the will of the Assembly was, and whether there were any items around the state budget that could be presented.
The motion to hold the January meeting failed 3-3-1.
• Liaison for the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education CASI
Deb Shapiro volunteered to replace Denny Hackel.
• Appointment to the HR Design Shared Governance Advisory Committee
Deb Shapiro volunteered to replace Denny Hackel.
• Assembly meetings – general discussion
Kevin recapped the meeting held on Tuesday for ASEC members who were unable to attend. There was a concern among several in attendance that some representatives were reluctant to participate in Assembly meetings.
• Next ASEC Meeting, January 8, 2014 (in Memorial Union)
-Definition of academic staff
-February Assembly agenda
-Guests: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Marsha Mailick
Meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff