Topics Map > Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) > 2022-2023 > 09. March

Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 03-02-23

Approved 03-09-23

ASEC Minutes

2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 2, 2023

53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Tim Dalby; Stephanie Elkins; Alissa Ewer; Julie Hunt Johnson; Albert Muniz; Mallory Musolf, chair; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Guests: Lesley Fisher, Charlie Hoslet, Beth Meyerand, Scott Wildman

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of February 23 were approved.

General Reports

Mallory Musolf, ASEC Chair, reported on the recent OHR/ASEC leadership meeting with Patrick Sheehan. We are waiting to see what happens at the state level regarding paid family leave, and there will hopefully be more news later this spring. The Legislative Audit Bureau is looking at a process for auditing telework, space management, and risk management throughout all state agencies, including UW System institutions. OHR is also making positive headway on addressing the English language proficiency requirement for some positions, which predominantly impacts university staff employees. There should be more news on this later in the spring as well.

Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff, reminded ASEC that the public finalist presentations for the Dean of the International Division take place the week of March 6th. Meredith McGlone was selected as ASEC’s appointee to the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications. Jake reported on recent announcements related to a bill being circulated that would limit tuition increases to the cost of inflation, as well as UW System President Rothman’s announcement of a proposal to raise tuition by 5%. Jake also reported on the Governor’s capital budget proposal, which includes $3.8 billion in investments for the state, including $1.8 billion for UW System capital projects.

Liaison Reports

Albert Muniz reported on the most recent meeting of the College of Letters and Science CASI. There were three major areas of discussion: building renovation and its potential impacts on many areas, including student housing; threat intervention, in light of the recent Michigan State shooting; and compensation and titling issues post TTC implementation. Albert also reported that the Nominating Committee is in the process of preparing election slates for the Assembly Standing Committees.

Tim Dalby reported on the International Division CASI, who decided on a representative for the shared governance sessions with finalists for the Dean of the International Division. The CASI is working on their recognition and awards processes and looking at climate survey data.

Donna Cole reported on the SMPH CASI. The CASI is in the process of onboarding recently elected members.

Guest: Charlie Hoslet, Vice Chancellor for University Relations

Vice Chancellor Hoslet updated ASEC on the institution’s plans to celebrate its 175th anniversary. The celebration will start on July 26, 2023, coinciding with the Legislature passing and the Governor signing the act that created UW-Madison. It will run through May 2024. The celebration’s focus is on the impact of our institution and the reach of the Wisconsin Idea, particularly since the sesquicentennial in 1998. We will be acknowledging both the successes and the challenges the institution has faced, particularly in light of work done by the Public History Project. A cross-campus steering committee and a set of subcommittees are working on specific events and programming throughout the next academic year. They are also engaging with schools/colleges/divisions to hold at least one event over those 9 months to celebrate the university through their lens. The steering committee will meet with Chancellor Mnookin next week to finalize some key events. In addition to a budget and marketing resources for those key events, there will also be a grant program, inviting people across the institution to submit proposals for their events. The kickoff will be held July 26 at Memorial Union, with further events occurring during Homecoming on October 7, the Signature Celebration Event hosted by the Foundation and the Alumni Association on October 27, an academic symposium linked with Founder’s Day on February 5, 2024, and a campus open house in May 2024. The planning group is also looking at a potential service event for campus. A website will launch in the next couple of months with all the information around these and other events.

Vice Chancellor Hoslet talked about the addition of a Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications. With so much occurring in communications, marketing, government relations, and industry engagement, having a position focused on communications and marketing brings us in line with similar institutions. Communications and Marketing staff have provided feedback on the position, and the search committee will be announced next week. The hope is to have finalists in June with an August start date. Vice Chancellor Hoslet expects University Relations to work very closely with the person in this new position, particularly in support for government relations and industry engagement.

On the Governor’s budget proposal, State Relations Director Crystal Potts and Chancellor Mnookin have been meeting and working with legislators to advocate for our priorities, including more general fund support, a good compensation plan, and capital projects, including the new Engineering building. April 26 is “UW at the Capitol Day,” and Chancellor Mnookin may also hold a tele-town hall about the budget.

Guest: Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs

Vice Provost Meyerand updated ASEC on the status of the HIB working group. They will be meeting with Director of Workforce Relations Megan Dzyuba to discuss resources for employees dealing with different kinds of difficult behavior, including a flow chart that helps people navigate through the informal resolution process in a more concrete way. The group is considering resources and communication for employees, supervisors, witnesses, and others. The group is also looking at a more comprehensive list of offices and colleagues who serve as employee resources, along with more specific descriptions of the kinds of expertise they can provide. Megan will also give the group feedback on how new content might be integrated into the website. The group is trying to accomplish as much of the charge as possible by the end of the spring semester.

Regarding professorial titles, Vice Provost Meyerand has not received feedback from department chairs or others on obstacles to titles being used. She encouraged anyone encountering obstacles in this space to come to her with any issues.

Vice Provost Meyerand has talked to Provost Scholz about the Staff Climate Survey, specifically regarding communication to deans/directors about how local issues arising from the survey will be addressed. The qualitative data is still being analyzed. Once that is complete, the Provost will be reaching out to deans/directors about next steps.


  • Academic Staff Morale Resolution

ASEC reviewed additional changes to the resolution based on feedback from Assembly members and ASEC members. ASEC finalized the resolution for presentation at the Assembly meeting.

  • March Assembly Meeting Agenda – for vote

Albert will introduce the morale resolution for a vote, and Alissa will present the slate for the Nominating Committee. Motion to approve the agenda (Stoddard Cameron). Seconded. Approved.

  • ASEC Planning Subcommittee Reports

The transportation subcommittee is still waiting on feedback from Campus Transportation. Patrick Kass will be meeting with ASEC on March 30. The DEIB subcommittee will be meeting soon. The CASI subcommittee will use submissions from the best practices document to inform the draft of a letter for the Provost.

  • Topics for Guests

Provost – topics from previous meeting, tuition bill’s impact on Bucky’s Pell Pathway, threat incident with student calling out Bascom

OHR—remaining topics from previous meeting; questions about increase in salary maxima (when will they be communicated; when will current salary ranges be adjusted for market rate; will market evaluations only be within a specific title or in relation to other titles (coordinator/manager); question on whether they are temporary); communication to grad students about paid family leavea

ATP – questions on RAMP (impacts of delay); who’s being invited to which sessions about Workday; when and how are central campus leaders being brought into the decision-making for all areas; quick by the numbers (how many systems, shadow systems, staff working on the project, issues and risks they’ve identified; each of these for both Madison and for UWS)

Meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASEC Minutes   Doc ID124719
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2023-03-10 09:04:33Updated2023-03-10 09:08:36
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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