Topics Map > Academic Staff Assembly > 2013-2014 > 5. February

Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 02-10-14

APPROVED 3-10-14

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, February 10, 2014
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, December 9, 2013 were approved as distributed.  

Guests: Suzanne Broadberry.  Current Madison Academic Staff Association (MASA) president, Suzanne Broadberry outlined the MASA events for the spring semester and encouraged academic staff to join MASA.

Martha Kerner and Dan Langer shared information about Wisconsin Open Book.  This searchable website on expenses is now live.  Open Book is not intended to be an accounting system.  The Wisconsin Dept of Administration is rolling it out in three phases.  Phase 1 contains operating expenditures.  Phase 2 will contain salary and fringes, and Phase 3 will include grants and contracts.  Transactions fall into two categories: travel and supplies.  Employees can redact information if they are in protective status.  

Steve Lund and Mark Walters provided information on the updated background check requirements.  Background checks must be conducted every four years for positions in trust with access to vulnerable populations.  Those participating in pre-college camps need a background check every two years.  In addition, self-disclosure is required if one is charged or convicted of a crime.  Vendors and contractors with routine or unsupervised access to vulnerable populations must make sure employees and volunteers have had a background check.

Anne Gunther and Noel Radomski gave a brief overview of the report from the Budget Model Review Committee.  This governance appointed committee was charged by Chancellor Blank and chaired by Darrell Bazzell.  The committee studied the current campus budget model, articulated some principles that should be followed if the budget model is changed, and conducted a peer analysis of other budget models.  They also explored barriers that might impede change.

Standing Committee and Other Reports
•    ASEC – ASEC Chair Heather McFadden recognized Russell Dimond for his service as chair of the Budget Issues, Policies and Strategies Committee.  The working group looking at the revised research leadership is meeting and will have a draft report ready for distribution in a few weeks.  There will be several town halls in early March.  The email for the working group is  ASEC met with PPPC and others about amending ASPP to make sure it covered instances of bullying behavior.  The Academic Staff Institute will be held on April 1.  Mary Johansen has taken a different job; currently there is a search underway to hire a replacement.  

•    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Co-chair Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC is drafting a survey on promotional titles.  They hope to distribute it by the end of the month.  

•    Professional Development and Recognition Committee – Co-chair Curtis Ryals reported that the fall Professional Development Grants have been reviewed and awarded.  The award rate was 70%.  They are currently reviewing the Excellence Award nominations.  The next round of the Professional Development Grants will be announced soon.  

Resolution to Convene Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Funding (ASA #513)

Jennifer Sheridan (District 155) moved to form a new ad hoc committee on bridge funding.  It was seconded by Consuelo Springfield (District 489).  The motion passed unanimously.

Slates for Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASA #514)
Nominating Committee Co-Chair Lisa Jansen presented the slate for the Academic Staff Executive Committee.  

Slates for Assembly Standing Committees (ASA #515)
Nominating Committee Co-Chair Lisa Jansen presented the slates for the Assembly Standing Committees.  Jeanne Hendricks was added to the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee slate.

Slate for Nominating Committee (ASA #516)
ASEC Chair Heather McFadden presented the slate for the Nominating Committee.

Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell’s Remarks:
UW-Madison hosted the Board of Regents meeting last Thursday and Friday.  It focused on innovation in the classroom and also discovery and entrepreneurship.  Discovery to Produce (D2P) was featured.  There was some discussion about tuition, including the possibility of increasing professional school tuition and out of state tuition for undergraduates.  There was a presentation on the master plan for Recreational Sports.  The students will be voting on this in a few weeks.  The plan calls for improvements to the Natatorium, SERF, and a couple playing fields.  It is $220 million plan with students funding 57%, if approved.

Central campus is now asking units for quarterly reports on unexpended 101, 128, 131 and 136 funds and extension accounts.  They are also looking at year-end balance of Fund 150 from year to year.  The Board of Regents has not yet approved a policy for year-end unexpended balances.  The proposed policy would require a 10% balance, but not more than 15%.  More than a 15% balance would require justification to the Board of Regents.  

Meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m.

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff