Topics Map > Communications Committee (CC) > 2009-2010

Communications Committee Communication Plan 5-7-10

Communications Plan 2010-2011

We need to edit it as follows ...

1. Change web site management to AS Secretary's office.

2. same

3. Maintain a fact sheet.

10. (changed to 7.) Gather feedback regularly to improve plans. Evaluate modes of communication, frequency, content.

5.) ASEC has an ad-hoc welcome/orientation group that is similar in purpose to the Comm. group. One of us (Greg?) will be a liaison to the group.

6.) Greg will be Chair for 2010-2011. Mary Possin is stepping down. Renee Meiller will not step down. Mark Lilleleht was re-elected. Sonya Sedivy (Education) has been nominated and elected. We will have 8 members.

7.) Thank you/wrap up for this year...pick a social/celebration time to acknowledge Mary and Renee, as well for our work and efforts this year.

8.) Adjourned at 11:05.

KeywordsCC Communication Plan   Doc ID39385
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2014-04-23 09:20:57Updated2020-07-13 16:06:31
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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