Topics Map > Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) > 2010-2011

Professional Development and Recognition Committee Agenda 8-19-10

PDRC meeting agenda, Thursday, August 19 2010

1-4pm, 21 S. Park Street, Rm 7246

1) Welcome new members, introductions;

2) Select meeting minutes keeper, and new committee co-chair;

3) Updates on PD Sponsorship fund, and direction Academic Staff hope to go with increased emphasis on professional development in a tightening work environment (Sarah, and Carol);

4) Review grant application and evaluation process to streamline for an on-line form (Sarah);

5) Excellence Awards – revision of timelines for the process to align with System timeline (Maddy and Carol);

6) Sign up for sub-committees: PD grants, Excellence Awards, Executive Education grants

7) Select best regular meeting times for committee meetings throughout the academic year

PDRC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff