Topics Map > Academic Staff Assembly > 2014-2015 > 6. March

Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 03-09-15

APPROVED 4-13-15

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, March 9, 2015
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.

Memorial Roll Call
Provost Mangelsdorf read the Academic Staff Memorial Roll Call to honor academic staff members who have passed away.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, February 9, 2015, were approved.  

Guest: Amy Rettammel, President, Madison Academic Staff Association (MASA)
Amy Rettammel gave a brief history of MASA and its importance in helping establish governance for academic staff.  The spring events were distributed as a handout.  Academic Staff Institute registrants will receive free MASA membership for the remainder of the academic year.

Guest: Greg Moses, Classified Research Report
Greg Moses chaired an ad hoc working group that was formed by the University Committee to examine classified research policies and make recommendations.  The committee was formed in part as a response to legislative action that created state statutes regarding classified research at UW campuses as well as the creation of a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) in Madison.  Part of this law requires the Board of Regents to report annually to the legislature classified research contracts.  A SCIF is necessary for the conduct of classified research.  Greg Moses then read the following from the report, “Creation, stewardship and dissemination of knowledge are among the foundational principles of institutions of higher education. The right to disseminate newly created information lies at the heart of the academic research enterprise. Publicly funded universities such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison have a particular responsibility to ensure that the discovery and knowledge generated at that institution are shared broadly with the citizenry of the state, nation and world. Indeed, one of the hallmarks of this university - the Wisconsin Idea - urges that the insights gained by those on campus be disseminated widely for the benefit of the broader community. Nothing in this report is intended to suggest a retreat from these principles. So while some universities would appear to have embraced classified research as part of their portfolio, in fact they maintain separate and distinct facilities that are more accurately described as U.S. government national laboratories operated by the university as a public service.”  The report also states that the current threats to the United States are changing rapidly and are often different from the threats of 10-20 years ago.  The committee made the following recommendations:  UW-Madison will develop streamlined policies and processes for access to appropriately secured off-campus facilities to enable classified research; UW-Madison should authorize academic staff to participate in classified research and should stipulate that participation in such research will not negatively influence their performance evaluation; PIs would need to inform everyone in their laboratory about their involvement with classified research; and UW-Madison will create administrative processes to allow classified research to be conducted by UW-Madison faculty as well as subcontracts for the unclassified portion of classified research.   

Standing Committee and Other Reports
•    Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden reported that the Assembly should have received a copy of the ASEC report at the door.  The Secretary of the Academic Staff office will begin sending an email two weeks prior to the deadline for Assembly business items.  Heather D. and Jake are also willing to assist Assembly members with writing resolutions or providing background materials to facilitate this.  Heather M. provided follow up information to the letter that was distributed to the Academic Staff Assembly regarding bridge funding.  Marsha Mailick, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, reported to ASEC that the largest award for bridge funding last year was given to an academic staff PI.  Lastly, the Paper Power exhibit featuring the art of Michael Velliquette will have an opening reception prior to April’s Assembly meeting.
•    Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) – Jeff Armstrong reported that there has been a change to the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award.   Previously, UW-Madison was asked to forward three nominees to UW System.  Faculty and academic staff are eligible for the award, and we alternated two academic staff and one faculty nomination one year and the reverse the next year.  UW System has changed the award so now eligible institutions select the winner for their institution.  Since this was a year when faculty would forward two nominees, this year’s winner will be a faculty member and next year’s winner will be an academic staff member.  Jeff also reminded those in attendance about the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education public presentations taking place next week.
•    Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – ASPRO Board member Kevin Niemi encouraged attendees to joint ASPRO if they are interested in more information on legislative actions.  Tori Richardson, Michael Moscicke and Julie Klein are the other board members.  If you have questions, feel free to contact any of the board members.

ASEC Slate (ASA #552)
The Provost announced that this agenda item will be delayed until the April Assembly meeting.  

Standing Committee Slates (ASA #553)
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, read the Standing Committee Slates.  Communications Committee slate includes Blake Bishop, Clara Burke, Laura Gallagher and Nicholas Schmuhl.  There were no nominations from the floor.  The Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee slate includes Sandra Anderson, Ilia Guzei, Jason Jankoski, and Janet Newlands.  There were no nominations from the floor.  The Districting and Representation Committee slate includes Ian Benton, Eileen Ewing, and Mary Possin.  There were no nominations from the floor.  The Mentoring Committee slate includes Matthew Raymond, Scott Troyan, Heather Weltin, and Melissa Lantta.  There were no nominations from the floor.  The Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee slate includes Pam Garcia-Rivera, Kristi Hall, Shirin Malekpour and Jonathan Thom.  There were no nominations from the floor.  The Professional Development and Recognition Committee slate includes Amy Hawley, Joshua Moon Johnson, Stephanie Kutz, Amy McIlvaine, Curtis Ryals and Matthew Vieth.  There were no nominations from the floor.  

Nominating Committee Slate (ASA #554)

Heather McFadden, chair of ASEC, read the Nominating Committee Slate.  The slate includes Rebecca Beebe, Dang Chonwerawong, Jennifer Heintz, Sharon Kahn, and Lauren Klink.  There were no nominations from the floor.  

Nominating Committee Member (ASA #555)
Eric Giefer was elected to replace Erica Laughlin through June 30, 2017.

Resolution Reaffirming the Importance of Academic Staff Job Security (ASA #556)
Bruno Browning (ASEC) moved to approved the Resolution Reaffirming the Importance of Academic Staff Job Security.  Seconded.  

Bruno Browning (ASEC) moved to amend the resolution by adding an additional whereas clause: “Whereas, if job security is used to retain and reward high performing academic staff in a position that fulfills a permanent need in the unit and has stable funding, it is unlikely the academic staff member would need to be laid off or non-renewed;”.  Seconded.  Motion approved.  

Vote to approve the amended resolution.  Motion approved.

Resolution in Response to the Proposed Budget Cuts to UW System (ASA #557)

Noel Radomski (District #377) moved to approve the Resolution in Response to the Proposed Budget Cuts to UW System.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Resolution in Response to the Public Authority Proposal for UW System (ASA #558)

Noel Radomski (District #377) moved to approve the Resolution in Response to the Public Authority Proposal for UW System.  Seconded.  

Jim Rogers (District #499) moved to amend the resolution by adding a second therefore clause at the end which reads “Therefore Be It Further Resolved that the UW-Madison Academic Staff Assembly supports the creation of a blue ribbon, citizen commission, similar to the 1968 Commission on Education (commonly called the Kellett Commission), to study the current UW System, the proposed UW System public authority, and other options and submit a report to the governor, legislature, and UW System Board of Regents.”  Seconded.  

Jenn Sheridan (District #155) moved to amend the amendment by adding “before the end of this legislative session” to the end of the clause.  Seconded.  

Call the question.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Vote on motion to amend the amendment.  Motion fails.

Call the question.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Vote on amendment.  Motion approved.  

Bill Tishler (District #494) moved to amend the amended resolution by adding another therefore clause that reads “Therefore Be It Resolved that the UW-Madison Academic Staff Assembly does not support the UW System Public Authority at this time;”.  Seconded.

Jeanne Hendricks (District #458) moved to amended the amendment by changing the words “does not” to “cannot”.  Seconded.  

Call the question.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Vote on motion to amend the amendment.  Motion approved.

Eric Giefer (District #484) moved to change the location of the amendment to be the first Therefore clause in the resolution.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Vote on motion on amended amendment in the new location.  Motion approved.

Jim Rogers (District #499) moved to add the word “costs” in the last whereas clause so it reads “…but not limited to accountability, efficiency, costs, and quality;”.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Vote on amended resolution.  Motion approved.

Resolution on Maintaining Shared Governance in Wisconsin State Statutes (ASA #559)

Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved to approve the Resolution on Maintaining Shared Governance in Wisconsin State Statutes.  Seconded.  

Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved to amend the resolution by striking “and gives primary authority to the Board of Regents” in the last whereas clause.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Vote on amended resolution.  Motion approved.

Adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff