ASEC Minutes 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28, 2016 67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Michael Moscicke; Heather McFadden, Chair; Robert Newsom; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Laura Fisk, Tim Markle, Brady Minter, Jake Smith, Bill Tishler
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of April 21, 2016, were approved.
General Reports • Chair Heather McFadden reported that the composition of the Budget Committee is now four faculty, two academic staff, two university staff, etc. The Senate agenda is very full. The no confidence resolution is likely to have some amendments. Other UW System schools may follow suit and pass similar resolutions. ASM shared a letter they wrote to the Chancellor with a list of demands at the chairs meeting. The Chancellor has agreed to cultural competency training for university administration. Possible topics for the Provost include titling and compensation study, climate survey, and how much UW-Madison spends on IT. • Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported the Excellence Awards reception was a good event. The biggest change this year was using “action” photos rather than portraits of the award winners. Rick Moss, Associate Dean in the School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH), issued a letter to the SMPH Committee on Academic Staff Issues regarding Permanent PI status. There has been questions from the CASI if SMPH has additional requirements for academic staff to achieve Permanent PI status. The memo indicates this is not the case. Heather D. met with Brian Deith regarding redistricting. The plan is to have members of the Districting and Representation Committee (DRC) meet with ASEC this summer. In the fall, there will be a petition to change the number of academic staff in a district. There are specific procedures to follow regarding this change. The Assembly will then debate changes to the way districts are constructed. This debate should also include whether DRC will have the ability to replicate existing districts when they reach their maximum size.
Liaison Report SMPH CASI-Aaron Crandall reported that Brian Gittens, new Associate Dean for Human Resources, met with the CASI. Brian said he anticipates that decisions regarding all SMPH staff pay adjustments will be made in the next couple weeks. Patrick Sims’ Kitchen Cabinet-Michael Moscicke reported that he and Kevin Niemi met with the committee and Ruby Paredes, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Climate. They were asked to review and make suggested changes to the Statement of Diversity of UW-Madison. They suggested changes on how to hold leadership accountable.
Business • May Assembly Agenda ASEC reviewed the motion on cultural competency. Motion to add words “and cultural” before humility in the last bullet point (Browning). Seconded. Approved. Motion to approve the May Assembly agenda (Newsom). Seconded. Approved.
• Email Regarding Performance Management ASEC reviewed and approved a response to Don Schutt’s email about performance management and academic staff. • Distinguished Prefix Guidelines ASEC discussed committee membership. Heather D. will invite the Distinguished Prefix Committee Chair to a future ASEC meeting. Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Michael discussed professional development that his office is considering for next year. This includes the Chairs Chats, Chairs Chats Plus, New Faculty Chats, Mid-Career Faculty Chats and Academic Staff Chats.
He would like to thread two ideas through everything that they are doing. One idea is diversity/inclusion/climate. The other is faculty/staff relationship. He would like to encourage faculty to think more about the roles academic staff and university staff play on campus. He asked ASEC for suggestions on topics to consider for next year.
Guests: Tim Markle, Brady Minter, and Bill Tishler, Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement The committee gathered feedback with a listening session with Assembly members as well as an online feedback mechanism that was sent to Assembly members and others. There are 21 recommendations from the committee in the areas of orientation, logistics, online meetings, agenda and content, meeting facilitation and discussion, committees and communication. ASEC thanked the committee for their work.
Guest: Laura Fisk, Office of Human Resources (FLSA Changes) Laura shared a letter from Ray Cross and the UW System school chancellors to Tammy Baldwin regarding issues they identified with the proposed changes. She also shared a letter from Michael Lehman to campus regarding this issue.
The Fair Labor Standards Act determines whether a position is exempt or non-exempt and thus subject to overtime. The salary threshold for this determination is what is changing. Currently, there is proposed language for the change. The actual rule is expected in the next couple weeks.
The salary threshold would change from $23,660 to $50,440 per year. The important number is the amount a person makes in a week. Whether a person is above or below the threshold may fluctuate based on unpaid leave, adjustment in FTE or temporary base adjustment.
Employees who are non-exempt must record their hours worked and be paid overtime or compensatory time if they work more than 40 hours per week.
There are trained FLSA experts in every major school/college/division. The Office of Human Resources is working with many different offices around this issue. They are planning communication through Inside UW-Madison, a website specifically on FLSA, and a specific email address for questions. Implementation of the new rule is expected to be required by July or September.
Meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff