Results: 161-180 of 856

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
161ASA Document 470. Resolution Regarding 2011-12 State Budget Lapse349892020-07-132309
162ASA Document 467. Resolution Concerning The Carrying of Dangerous Weapons To Campus (Resolution Not Adopted)349852020-07-132669
163ASA Document 465. Committee on Women in the University Annual Report 2009-2011349832020-07-132485
164ASA Document 476. Standing Committee Slates349952020-07-132422
165ASA Document 462. School of Nursing CASI Annual Report 2010-2011349782020-07-132460
166ASA Document 473. Distinguished Prefix Guidlines349922020-07-132629
167ASA Document 469. Memorial Resolution - John Torphy349882020-07-132486
168ASA Document 472. Elaine Staley Recognition Resolution349912020-07-132431
169ASA Document 471. Memorial Resolution - LaMarr Billups349902020-07-132527
170ASA Document 482. Support of Course Materials as Intellectual Property350012020-07-132557
171ASA Document 485. Establishment of HR Design Ad Hoc Committee350052020-07-132654
172ASA Document 483. Updated Spring 2012 Slates for: Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee and Mentoring Committee350022020-07-132469
173ASA Document 489. 2012-13 ASEC Priorities350132020-07-132355
174ASA Document 487. 2011-12 Standing Committees Annual Reports350112020-07-132410
175ASA Document 481. Robert Newsom - ASEC Candidate350002020-07-132433
176ASA Document 496. Standing Committee Slates350202020-07-132380
177ASA Document 479. New Social Compact Resolution349982020-07-132378
178ASA Document 488. 2011-12 - OSAS - Annual Governance Report350122020-07-132331
179ASA Document 502. Critical Compensation Fund350262020-07-132996
180ASA Document 498. Nominating Committee Slate350222020-07-132533
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