Student Timesheet Entry

How to record the hours you work for your OSTFE job(s)

Navigating to your time sheet:

  1. Log in to your My UW Madison, look for the Time and Absence widget on your home page, if it is not visible click Browse from the menu on the left and type time and absence into the search box.
  2. Click Launch full app
  3. Click on Timesheet
  4. After completing the second log on, the Student Time sheet will appear all students using a time sheet for OSTFE positions will use a Punch Positive time sheet.  This means your schedule appears with empty "IN" and "OUT" boxes that must be filled in.

Entering Time

The four "IN" and "OUT" boxes should be used as follows:
First "IN" – ALWAYS use this field to record the time you reported to your job.
First "OUT" ONLY use this field if you leave your job but return that day.
Second "IN" ONLY use this field if you used the First “OUT” field; when you return the same day from a break in your job (if you had lunch off).
Second "OUT" – ALWAYS use this field to record the time you left your job for the day.


3. If you work 3 shifts in one day you will need to add a line.

A. On the time sheet page scroll to the far right
B. Click on the plus icon for the date when you worked 3 shifts. A new row will appear below the date it will not show a date field
C. Enter shifts:
First shift - use First IN & OUT columns on the line with the date to record shift
Second Shift - use Second IN & OUT columns of that same line to enter shift.
Third Shift - use First IN & Second OUT columns on the line without the date (the new line you generated by selecting the plus icon) to enter the third shift.

For Office of Student Transition & Family Engagement jobs
do NOT fill in information in any other columns on the time sheet (other campus jobs may have you use additional fields)

5. Each time you log in to enter hours you need to click on the  submit  button when you are done.  Once you click on the button you will see the Punch Total is calculated and the Reported Hours total is also updated.

6. You are only allowed to enter time during the current pay period.  Please making entering your time part of every shift whenever possible. Please refer to the Biweekly section of the 2022 UW Employee Payroll Calendar

7. If you missed hours for a pay period that has ended e-mail your supervisor and cc Carol Pope the following information:

  1. Date(s) worked
  2. Time started and ended for each shift worked that you forgot to enter (supervisors enter your time on a screen that looks like your time entry so we need the same pieces of information as you would enter)
  3. If you have more than one job with OSTFE also include for which job the hours should be recorded

KeywordsStudent employee, logging hours, entering time, log time, enter hours,   Doc ID25963
OwnerCarol P.GroupOSTFE
Created2012-08-23 14:24:37Updated2024-05-02 21:42:30
SitesOffice of Student Transition & Family Engagement
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