This document covers what you, the card holder, need to do when you have made a purchase and received an e-mail from with the subject Your Procurement Card Transaction(s) Have arrived
Whenever making a purchase you need to be able to answer who, what, where, when and why for each purchase. Between the Business Purpose and Attachments make sure all of these questions have been answered. Pretend you are explaining your purchase to someone who has no background knowledge of your program or what the mission of OSTFE is.
Business Purpose -- Card holders MUST enter the justification into the system
(There needs to be one and I cannot edit that field once you send the
transaction to me, make it detailed especially if it is an odder
purchase or something that we
could have gotten through ShopUW+)
Attachments -- Card holders ARE ENCOURAGED TO upload attachments -
receipt, and for meeting/event expenses, attendee list and agenda, for
events also link to marketing. I can add this information into the
system too, so if you are pressed for time you
can send those documents to me as you have been and I can upload them
for you.
Distribution -- Card holders ARE ENCOURAGED TO edit the funding
string. Cards for folks at coordinator level are tied to the program
they work in, so you should be able to leave the Fund and Dept
codes alone unless you made a purchase
for another area of the office, or you are paying for professional
development. Assistant Director & Director cards are tied to the
general OSTFE funding, any program specific purchases need to be changed
to that Dept (and Fund if you are paying
for a GUTS expense).
Account code is defaulted to 3100, which is general supplies, most of the time this number will need to be changed, but the good news is that I have the ability to edit whatever you send to me, so don't stress this one!
Here are common codes that our office uses:
3165 - Food & Food Service Contracts
2620 - Services- Professional (you paid for a service rather than a
physical thing, I use this for Mailchimp, Calendly, Canva, E-ZText,
3700 - Postage
Professional Development Specific costs:
3730 - Memberships to professional organizations
2801 - Long Distance Transportation (flight, bag fees)
2821 - Local Transportation (Airport shuttle, Taxi, Train, from airport
to conference location, also for parking at airport while on a trip)
2841 - Registration Fees for Conferences and Workshops
2851 - Lodging
Program Code is set to 0 which is student services, leave it alone, rest of the fields leave blank.