2016 Guest Panels

09/30 Panel | 10/07 Panel | 10/14 Panel | 10/21 Panel


Wk 04 - 09/30 - Experience of international faculty teaching UW-Madison undergraduates

Panel members:  Hasan Khatib (Israel) | James Ntambi (Uganda) | Izabela Szlufarska (Poland).

Synopsis: Our three panel members are international faculty who, as many other international faculty on many campuses around the country, have never experienced life as an undergraduate in the United States. Hasan (Dairy Science), James (Nutritional Sciences / Biochemistry) and Isabela (Engineering) have a strong interest and commitment to helping undergraduates learn a scientific discipline for which they are an expert. Each will share their personal stories going back to the challenges they met in their early days as undergraduate instructor.


Wk 05 - 10/07 - Experience of U.S. faculty teaching abroad (Kenya, United Kingdom, and Poland)

Panel members: Corbett Grainger (USA) | Brad Barham (USA) | Susan Gold, RN, BSN. (USA)

Synopsis: All guest panel members are new to this class (first timers!), but we are eager to hear their story. Corbett Grainger (Agricultural and Applied Economics) has taught in Vietnam. Brad Barham (Agricultural and Applied Economics) has taught in Vietnam as well. Furthermore, Brad will share his story of teaching policymakers in Spanish in Central America. For her part, Susan Gold (RN, BSN, SMPH) has experience in pediatrics and adolescent medicine both in the United States and internationally. Susan has been the primary leader of a field course in Kenya for students in the Global Health Certificate program. We are looking forward to hear from our panel members not only the challenges they have faced, but also their successes in creating powerful learning experiences in an international context.


Wk 06 - 10/14 - From the functions of serotonin in lactation biology to the connection between health and the global environment: Helping students deal with complexities viewed from different lenses. 

Panel members: Laura Hernandez (USA) | Jonathan Patz (USA) | Robbin Mittenthal (USA).

Synopsis: Laura (Dairy Science) will share with you her teaching experience as an assistant professor in Lactation Biology. Jonathan is the director of the UW-Madison Global Health Institute. Jonathan was among the first faculty to offer a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). For his part Robbin Mittenthal is the individual "in the trench" helping students with their study abroad experience (a requirement of the global health certificate).


Wk 07 - 10/21 - Gender issues (part II) and teaching across cultural divides  

Panel members: Judith Burstyn (USA) | Johanne Brunett (Canada) | Chuck Snowdon (USA).

Synopsis: Does it make any difference when national (or cultural) differences are compounded with gender issues? Two of our final panelist have are willing to share their experiences with us. Judith (Chemistry) who has been teaching large enrollment chemistry courses. Johanne Brunett (Evolutionary Biology) has taught biology students for many years now. For his part, Chuck (psychology & Neuroscience) will share his experience teaching international students (He taught in Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador).

Keywords2015 guest panels   Doc ID67210
OwnerMichel W.GroupEffective Teaching | Internationally Diverse CC
Created2016-09-23 19:47:08Updated2016-09-25 21:20:56
SitesDS 875 (EPD 690) College Classroom ISIF
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