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GSTS - Exceptions: Using Graduate Transfer Credit for Prior Coursework

This document provides instructions on how to use graduate transfer credit to make exceptions in GSTS Advisement Reports on an individual basis.


To use transfer credit to fulfill a program's requirement in a GSTS Advisement Report, individual exceptions must be completed manually. Prior coursework entered into a student's record will translate as a generic transfer course. Course equivalencies will not be completed. Coordinators must then make individual exceptions to illustrate how a student's transfer credit fulfills a program's requirement on their GSTS Advisement Report. The following instructions outline how to complete this process. 

  1. Follow these instructions to navigate to the GSTS Exceptions Tool page in SIS.
  2. Navigate to your student's GSTS Advisement Report to view transfer credits for prior coursework. Transfer credits appear in the Course History section. Transfer credits are designated with a generic "Graduate Transfer Course" description. The course number (e.g., GEN ELCT X01) describes the parameters associated with the transfer credit. Refer to the Types of Transfer Credit for a complete list of graduate transfer credit course definitions. 
    course history on report
    Refer to the Process for Graduate Transfer Credit for Prior Coursework KB for the process on how to add graduate transfer credit to a student's record.
    exceptions menu
  3. To use transfer credit as an exception in a GSTS Advisement Report, a course substitution exception must be completed. Use the drop down menu and select the exception type, Course List Substitution. Click OK to confirm the selection. 
    Course List Substitution Drop Down Menu
  4. Direct Courses To Section: Using the drop down menus at the top of the Course Substitutions page, select the section of the report for which you would like to add a course. Refer to the student's GSTS Advisement Report for specific section titles.
    Requirements Menu Selection
  5. Once you select the specific report section, a Course List window will open to provide a list of all of the courses that are currently allowed to count in that sectionThis is for your reference - no action is needed.  Click Return to continue making the exception.
    Course List Return Window
  6. Description of Changes Section: Enter a Description, Short Description, and Long Description to detail the description of changes. Note that anything entered in the Long Description field will appear on the student's GSTS report. 
    Long Description Comment Box
  7. New Courses Section: Scroll to the bottom of the Course Substitutions page in the New Courses section. Click the course source drop down menu and select "Transfer Courses." Click the Course Search button to view the graduate transfer credit attached to the student's record. 
    Transfer Courses Source Selection
  8. Click Search to view the transfer courses attached to the student's graduate record. The course search page searches the student's transfer credit history (NOT the course catalog). 
    Student Course Directive Search

  9. Course Selection Section: Locate the course you wish to substitute. Click on the check box on the beginning of the row. Verify the course number to ensure the appropriate minimum degree requirements are met, if applicable. Note to differentiate between the generic graduate transfer courses refer to Table 1 in this KB. If there are multiple courses with the same course title, select the course with the appropriate amount of credits to be used as an exception. 
    Course Selection Screen
  10. New Courses Section: After selecting a course, you will be directed back to the Course Substitution page. Leave all other fields blank. Review all of the information on the page and click Save.
    Transfer Course Information
  11. When you are returned to the Authorize Student Exceptions page, you will not see any information at first. Click the Submit button to post the exception and it will now appear on the list of exceptions. Note that other previously submitted exceptions will show up in the list. 
    exception using transfer credit

  12. To see the exception on a student's report, click on the Advisement Report hyperlink to open a refreshed version of the report in a new window. 
    Advisement Report Highlighted
  13. Scroll to the requirement section where the exception was made. The transfer credit should appear on the list with a grade of "T" and a small numbered hyperlink in the Notes column.
    Advisement Report Hyperlink
  14. To view the comment entered in the Long Description field, click on the numbered hyperlink.
    Notes Column

    Note Attached to Exception

KeywordsGSTS, graduate tracking system, academic advisement reports, exception, exceptions tool, course substitution, graduate transfer credit, prior coursework   Doc ID128487
OwnerLorena K.GroupGraduate School
Created2023-05-23 10:20:04Updated2024-07-30 11:54:43
SitesGraduate School
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