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Graduate Program Coordinator/Manager Offboarding
This document will help graduate programs during transition periods when their graduate coordinator/manager is planning to leave.
We encourage programs to refer to this document when your graduate program coordinator/manager is moving on from their position. It is our hope that the information provided here will help make for a more seamless transition.
Academic Services
Notify Academic Services ( to remove you from the Jump Start course in Canvas. Your successor will be added to the Jump Start roster when your replacement is listed in the Unit Directory. Also, notify the master's and/or PhD degree coordinator.
Funding, Grants and Fellowships
Please retain records for successor of fellowships and fellowship recipients that have been paid out of your program's Graduate Student Support Competition (GSSC) allocation during the last five years.
The Graduate School asks that each administrative unit retain the following information on fellowships they payroll for later reference:
- First and Last Name
- CampusID
- Funding String, including Fund, Department, and Project codes (e.g. 111-345678-ABC123)
- Pay Basis, either Annual (A) or Academic (C)
- Begin and End date of fellowship
- Award letters, appointment letters, and acceptance forms for each fellow
- Non-service job aids for each unique funding string – available for download at
"Lumen" is the campus name for a suite of software tools used for updating the university's catalog, your academic program, your courses, and more. Guide is the title of the university's catalog.
Programs will likely want to do some or all of the following when their Coordinator leaves:
- To update Contact Information or People in Guide to remove or replace the Coordinator, which is allowed any time of year, see this KB.
- To update who has access to edit non-governed content like the Overview or Funding in Guide during the regular editing window from November 1 - February 1, complete this survey.
- To update who is listed as a Lumen Programs or Lumen Courses program approver for changes to governed content like Admissions or Requirements in Guide or changes to course proposals, complete this survey. The Chair of the administrative unit (department, e.g.) for your program is always listed as an approver for Lumen Programs and Lumen Courses, and the Chair must approve access for anyone else.
- Note that to initiate edits in Lumen Programs or Lumen Courses, no special access is needed beyond being a faculty or staff member in an administrative unit that has academic programs.
Professional Development / Communications
To stay up-to-date on graduate student professional development opportunities, graduate education policy announcements, funding opportunities for graduate students, and more, subscribe to the GradConnections newsletter. To stay up-to-date on Delta program offerings, including future faculty, teaching, and research mentoring professional development opportunities, subscribe to Delta's mailing list.
The Graduate School Unit Directory is a tool that identifies who holds important roles in each graduate program. It is also used to grant access to use and approve in some Graduate School applications, like the Add/Change/Discontinue Program form.
It is critical for there to be at least one person listed in the Coordinator role. Prior to your last day please be sure to assign your successor to your role(s) in the Unit Directory. Even if this is just a temporary individual filling in before a permanent hire is made, having people in these roles ensures that the Graduate School knows has accurate contact info for your program and that your program does not lose access to applications like Applicant Review, Add/Change, and more. Please remember to delete yourself from the Coordinator role after you have assigned your successor. If you delete yourself first, you lose the ability to assign others to roles; in that case, email Alissa Ewer or Meghan Chua for help.
Graduate Application System (Slate)
Submit a request to be removed from the application system. If you know who will be replacing you, submit the same form a second time requesting the new person to be added to the application system.
- If you had email templates (also called “Snippets”) saved in Slate that would be useful for future graduate program coordinator/managers, we recommend either sharing these with colleagues within your department following the directions in the Snippet KB document, or copying these snippets to be shared with the incoming graduate program coordinator/managers in a word processing document.
- You should document how your program(s) process applications in Slate for your DGS and the future graduate program coordinator/managers.
- If you have questions about anything related to graduate admissions or the application system, please email