Topics Map > Recruitment

Graduate Recruitment Resources (Post-application Phase)

These resources focus on the needs and questions of prospective graduate students who have applied and been accepted to UW-Madison and are making decisions about attendance.
Click on the links below for specific documents, or access all of these materials in Box at
Please note, this KB doc and the Box folder collect various resources, for your convenience.  Feel free to share individual PDFs or text excerpts with your prospective students, but not the link to this KB doc or Box folder.

Check this document at the beginning of every recruitment season to make sure you are using the most up-to-date versions of these resources.  Resources will be updated annually.

How to request folders/printed materials

We encourage programs who have the resources to print their own flyers using the links above. We recommend the following flyers from the above list for printed packets:

If you plan to print your own flyers, you may still request two-pocket Graduate School logo folders for these materials using the Qualtrics survey for recruitment folder orders linked below.

If you do not have the staff time or financial resources, printed materials can also be requested from the Graduate School, free of charge to graduate programs. To request print materials, use the Qualtrics Survey for recruitment folder orders.

Resources about campus and Madison

Programs and departments can request publications from Campus and Visitor Relations as downloadable PDFs or printed booklets for UW–Madison departments. To order print publications, you'll need access to Shop@UW.

Destination Madison also offers an online Visitors Guide to Madison that you can download and share with prospective or current students.

Recruitment Resources Guide

For suggested uses for these recruitment materials, and more information on the types of resources the Graduate School provides, view the Recruitment Resources Guide.

Keywordsgraduate student recruitment materials resources post-app post-application admissions benefits   Doc ID87618
OwnerAlissa E.GroupGraduate School
Created2018-11-07 16:55:37Updated2024-08-14 14:16:38
SitesGraduate School
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