DoIT Departmental Tech Support - Changing your departmental computer password (AIMS/DoIT Contract Customers)

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This article provides guidance on changing your AIMS/DoIT password, which expires every six months. Refer to the table below for instructions on how to reset your password. The steps are dependent on where you work, and how you connect to the UW-Madison networks.

IMPORTANT: If you are working remotely and you cannot log into the GlobalProtect VPN, your password may have already expired. In this case, the password GlobalProtect has remembered is no longer valid and you must contact the DoIT Help Desk for assistance.

Union Staff

Continue to use your NetID to login. At this time, NetID passwords do not expire. If you would like to change your NetID password anyway, follow the steps here: NetID - Changing a Password.

UHS Staff

Process for UHS staff to change their password.
Click the down-arrow on the Citrix Workspace control menu at the top of the screen to fully open up the control menu.
picture of Citrix Workspace control menu

On the Citrix Workspace control menu, click the Ctrl+Alt+Del button.

picture of fully open Citrix Workspace control menu
Click Change a password.
picture of Ctrl Alt Del menu

Enter your current (old) password, once (1).

Enter your new password twice (2). (UW-Madison Password Standards)

Click the arrow button to complete the password change and log in (3).

On the Citrix Workspace control menu, click the Ctrl+Alt+Del button again.  But this time click Lock.

On the Citrix Workspace control menu, click the Ctrl+Alt+Del button and log back on.

Hint: add a password reminder to your calendar 5 1/2 months from the day you reset!

picture of Change a password screen

AIMS/DoIT Contract Partners - Mac users

Please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

AIMS/DoIT Contract Partners - Windows users

Jump to instructions for changing your Windows password on a departmental computer working remotely.

Jump to instructions for changing your Windows password if you are accessing an AIMS computer through Remote Desktop.

Windows - changing your password on an departmental laptop working remotely

Process for Windows users to change their password when working remotely.
Connect to the VPN on your local machine.
Screen capture of GlobalProtect application
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, then click Change a password.
picture of Ctrl Alt Del menu

Enter your current (old) password, once (1).

Enter your new password twice (2). (UW-Madison Password Standards)

Click the arrow button to complete the password change (3).

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, then click Lock.

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, then log back in.

Hint: add a password reminder to your calendar 5 1/2 months from the day you reset!
picture of Change a password screen

Windows - changing your password when accessing an AIMS computer through Remote Desktop

Process for Windows users to change their password through Remote Desktop.
Connect to the VPN.
Screen capture of GlobalProtect application
Connect to your remote AIMS computer using Remote Desktop.
picture of remote desktop connection

Press Ctrl+Alt+End, then click Change a password.

Pressing Ctrl+Alt+End actually sends Ctrl+Alt+Del through Remote Desktop to the remote computer. If you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, you will be accessing the local computer's Change a password function.

picture of Ctrl Alt Del menu

Enter your current (old) password, once (1).

Enter your new password twice (2). (UW-Madison Password Standards)

Click the arrow button to complete the password change and log in (3).

Hint: add a password reminder to your calendar 5 1/2 months from the day you reset!
picture of Change a password screen

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Kit P. in DoIT Departmental Support
DoIT Contract Partner Support Help Desk, DoIT Departmental Support, DoIT Help Desk