Capture Token
A licensing mechanism. Every scanner used with ImageNow uses a token; if all tokens are in use, another scanner cannot be configured until one is released.
Document Keys
Values set that define and describe a document. There are seven for campus’ implementation of ImageNow: Drawer, Doctype, and five optionable/customizable keys. Discrete documents cannot have the same value for all of the key(s) otherwise they will be considered the same document and effectively merged.
RDS - Remote Desktop Service
The Remote Desktop Service (RDS) is a Windows Terminal Server that provides supplemental and/or remote access to applications that are only available on campus, typically on a Windows platform.
- Remote Desktop Service Connection Instructions:
- ECMS - Using RDS for Perceptive Content:
- ECMS - RDS-DEV - Accessing for ImageNow Users for Imaging Patch Testing:
- RDS Login:
Note: This service replaces The Windows Access Facility (WAF) which retired July, 2020.
A set of customizable queues that documents can optionally be sent to once entered into the Imaging Service.
Workflow lets you route a document through a business process from start to finish with a customizable set of options.