Results: 21-40 of 62

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
21Learning outcomes and alignment1212752024-08-2329446
22Using Campus Templates1211922024-08-233475
23Academic integrity methods1211972024-08-231745
24Student Assessment Approaches1212782024-08-237189
25Preferences and satisfaction with hybrid instruction1211682024-08-231303
26Campus policies related to hybrid instruction1212222024-08-231465
27Definition of hybrid learning1212202024-08-231410
28Instructional materials for online courses1212792024-08-23150279
29Hybrid instruction bibliography1211892024-08-231060
30Online course content and copyright1211902024-08-231370
31The online environment1212582024-08-235414
32Course activities and learner interactions1212802024-08-2313526
33Barriers and challenges of hybrid instruction1211692024-08-231421
34Hybrid learning models1212212024-08-231481
35Stories and examples of hybrid instruction on campus1211702024-08-231468
36Course planning1212732024-08-236739
37Faculty and student perspectives on hybrid instruction1211672024-08-231434
38Benefits of hybrid instruction1198572024-08-231654
39Creating a Screencast Video with Camtasia (Windows)1072942024-08-232421
40Creating a Screencast Video with Camtasia (Mac)1071422024-08-232027
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