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Honorlock - Enabling Honorlock in Canvas (Instructor) [UW-Madison]

This document outlines the steps required to enable Honorlock in your course.

Honorlock is available in every time-table Canvas course, but it is hidden from the left-hand navigation bar by default. Follow the steps outlined below to unhide Honorlock in your course.

  1. Click on Settings in the left navigation bar of your course Canvas page.
    Canvas course navigation with settings link highlighted

  2. Once in your course's settings, click on the Navigation tab.
    Canvas settings

  3. Then, find Honorlock in the list of hidden navigation items.
    Honor lock in the list of hidden navigation items

  4. Drag and drop Honorlock into the upper section of enabled course navigation items. Alternatively, click on the 3 dots next to Honorlock and select Enable.
    Enable button for adding Honor lock into Canvas course navigation

  5. Once Honorlock is enabled, click Save at the bottom of the page.
    Save button highlighted for the canvas course navigation settings

  6. Once you click save, the Honorlock link will appear in the left hand navigation bar of your course. Click on Honorlock to get started.
    Honor lock link highlight in Canvas course's lefthand navigation bar

Please contact the DoIT Help Desk and request a consultation if you need additional help enabling Honorlock in your course. Once Honorlock is enabled, please review Honorlock's knowledge base documentation.

NOTE: Attaching Honorlock to a Canvas assessment generates an access code that should not be edited or deleted. For more information, see Honorlock - Access Codes and Instructor Tips [UW-Madison] .

honorlock, honor lock, proctoring, online proctoring, remote proctoring, academic integrity, getting started, overview, exam, finals, test, enabling, adding 
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DoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison